Carioca LDN

I dunno, where have we seen this before? Seriously, I’m at a loss, though when you say who I’m sure I’ll say “of course, duh!”

Excellent GIF deployment. I miss Happy Endings so much

  • CarlaCarioca LDN1/31/23 3:31pmNo actually anyone with common sense can tell shes lying to sell books

Put your dick away, tim.

Well, I’m English, to be honest my knowledge of Tim Allen is limited to Home Improvement - which used to be shown on terrestrial TV in the UK back in the 90s - and his voice in the Toy Story movies. (Which reminds me, I never did see Galaxy Quest, always meant to). I know nothing about him personally, so I have no

Gross on so many levels. Not just the calling her a ‘fun girl’, and then a ‘good girl’ (blech!) but the telling comment ‘everybody at ABC’ and then doubling down with ‘All of us at Disney/ABC, really’. Seriously fucked up and shows his true colours. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start hearing more stories about his

Exactly! He’d have been better off shutting the fuck up! No-one was actually there to witness the ‘exchange’ between him and Pamela Anderson, so it’s a question of who is more credible.

She’s a fun girl. Everybody loved her, but everybody at ABC is a little disappointed in her memory, put it that way. All of us at Disney/ABC, really.” He added: “She’s a good girl.”

Yeah, no shit

The company announced today that it had entered into a “strategic partnership” with talent company CAA to further develop their tools for Hollywood.

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Speaking of deepfakes, could someone please explain what exactly is behind the Unreal Keanu videos?

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Wait, the AV Club is actually reviewing each episode of this??

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Well, I for one am totally appalled that the theme from Slumbered (“One Indescribable Instant”) was left off this list! 

we are probably the LEAST obliviously racist white country

Off-topic but, I still remember, a number of years ago, Harry Connick Jr was a guest host on some TV talent(less) show in Australia, and one act/skit was a bunch of guys in horrendous blackface as the Jackson 5, and he pointed out, on air, that that was fucked up!

I thought so too. But I’ve noticed that, all too often, whenever people say they are sorry, that’s when the mob detects weakness/blood in the water and goes in for the kill. Assholes like Trump and Boris Johnson have unfortunately proven time and again that you are more likely to hold on to your platform longer when

Cheech plays JLo’s father - that’s hilarious! Well, on the bright side they didn’t give her white Italian parents like in a few of her other movies ...

That “Knight and Day” line almost dampened my enthusiasm for this - almost - but then I remembered that this cast has Lenny Kravitz and D’Arcy Carden, so I’m still enthused ...