
I guarantee that sue gets his news from Fox and Breitbart and places like that, and had no idea that this was already an existing policy.

“But other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”

But he could care less.

“...and it begins with D..”

Dumbfucks who voted for Trump?

Congressional Democrats weren’t in power at the time the shutdown started anyway, and they’ve voted to pass bills to end the shutdown in the chamber of congress where the head is actually doing their job, so at best they’re now, like, technically culpable for not accepting a deal whereby the president gets everything

Odd considering we have a nationally broadcast recording of Trump saying he’ll take the blame and responsibility.

im not. i think it’s fucking spectacular.

yep. that dude, is a fucking piece of garbage, and im totally stoked he’s in some financial trouble right now.

he’s a coward too, because he KNOWS he’d have been called on his shit; he emailed his letter in. it wasnt a comment. i looked. 

I wasn’t going to give that douchebag the satisfaction of a response. For real these people are fucking stupid and they are determined to kill anyone non white rather than share. Fuck them all

Part of me wants to hear Caricature of a Jalop Tailpipe Fucker’s explanation as to why the GOP controlled House and GOP controlled Senate didn’t give the GOP POTUS his 5.7 billion dollar vanity, racist wall within the past 2 years if it was such national security issue. The other part of me knows it’ll be a bat shit


Correct, pretending that this is anything more than a sleazy extortion scam is indulging in sheer self-delusion. Playing along with Trump’s nonsensical make-believe bullshit is what got us to this point in the first place and now it’s time to take a stand and say “no more”. He cannot be permitted to invent imaginary

This. One man’s temper tantrum over not getting billions for his useless racist monument is not a “both sides are equal” kind of thing.

Some took a political stance, blaming either President Donald Trump or congressional Democrats for the shutdown which is grinding the federal government to a halt

I don’t consider this any one party or persons fault. Both parties deserve equal blame on this one. Someone needs to swallow their pride and put us back to work. I would not mind an apology from both sides as well.

What gets me is, why was it so difficult to simply put on a black t-shirt like all of the other chuds? Why go the blackface route?

“Their excuse is simple: It was a “blackout” game where fans wear all black to show spirit.”

Can you imagine if they did a lot of skydick drawings south of the DMZ and let the wind carry them over into NK? It’s not like they could shoot them down.

Take this star.

Disasters faced under Trump like....