
Yep. Plus with this being 2020 Square (and me having received to date roughly 40 emails from the company asking me to buy watches and figurines and necklaces and butter sculptures or whatever the hell else they’re trying to foist on me today, PLUS the inevitable “Pre-Order from X to Get ‘Exclusive’ Y” garbage) I’m

I think this dude seriously underestimates the inherent variables in how fucking stupid other people can be alone. “Lol learn to drive, screw your tire stopping power” because that definitely makes no difference in ability to react when some idiot in front of you brakes on an uphill grade, loses momentum, whips the

I too have seen Rust reviews!

Sir, this is a SERIOUS missed opportunity for one of them to bite the other’s ear off and eat it. I’m calling the police.

Driving Miss Daisy 2: Twisted Metal 

Honestly this was the best feature they implemented in Diablo 3 at launch, because it prevented you from actually being able to log in and play Diablo 3 and its RMAH trash balancing on anything higher than Nightmare

Seriously. Plus... you know longer flights exist too right? Sure two hours is a bit short but “People who recline are monsters” is pretty fucking asinine, ever been on a 16 hour flight? Everybody on that plane reclines, the world doesn’t end (assuming it’s not a Boeing 737 Max anyway) and everyone exits the plane

The entire game up until that one field map like 40 hours in with the Adamantoise and crap is literally ONE corridor. To the other posters saying stuff like “All Final Fantasies are linear, you just notice it more in 13", there’s a staggering degree of difference here.

That dude was also completely avoiding the fact that Obama’s administration already ran a query against the SSNs for all qualifying veterans and sent them letters basically saying “Hey you guys qualify for this free money, you literally just need to register for it, we’ve already established you’re qualified”, NPR did

“He could no longer want to fuck his jewish daughter.”

Norman Reedus’s Throat Fetuses”

How to fix the ocular abomination:

They just say “oh yeah, right away,”

Yep, one side could end the shutdown immediately by simply passing the same legislation that already passed with a veto proof majority already. One party is stopping that from happening. Not “muh both sides!”, Mitch McConnell has completely abdicated his responsibility and the GOP has gone full on commission of shitty

Yea I really WANTED to like it, but especially with the casting on the mads, but I found the pacing to be off, the gypsy appearances/rapid fire nature of the jokes not in keeping with the past, and the re-casting of the voices, especially Servo’s especially jarring.

I dunno man, I’m stoked for the “Shartords” remake. After the disaster that was “Shartords 2: Shart Boogaloo”

>Wake me up when the government actually realize that GUNS are the problem.

I like to picture him in a tattered suit living under a bridge in Florida, clutching at his shredded law degree, and calling it his “precious” like a disgraced legal Gollum

Sounds like the next Fallout title will ONLY consist of the wall-building mechanics from 4. With Marcy Long repeating Nancy Regan quotes on a loop.

In response to the meeting, Bethesda is proud to produce (in lieu of developing any new titles) Skyrim: Keurig Edition.