Milana Vayntrub's Cheekbones

She is the reason I stuck through all three seasons of Sneaky Pete.

“So the audience pays you?”

Somehow, I think Lillian Kaushtupper would be all over this plan, working out the details in her tugboat (“not a tugboat!”) 

Yup. Bring back the seedy times square of the early 80s.

A lot of business are using Covid-19 as an easy excuse on why they are closing up shop while sweeping years of bad choices and poor management under the rug. Anyone in the NY comedy scene could have told you that UCB was doomed for a long time.

I’m way too familiar with the world of improv, and I can assure you that Todd’s group in Bojack Horseman was slightly exaggerated, but basically accurate. (Which is true of everything that show has to say about the entertainment industry.) Not the cruise ship part. But the rest of it was all spot on.

Oddly, the only hope for the city to not become 100% owned by billionaires and bankers is for the crime to surge again.  Scaring them out is the only hope.

No, but your credits will be transferable to Trump University should you wish to complete your degree.

I predict that after all of this is over NYC, and especially Manhattan and Brooklyn, are gonna bounce right back. And they will be more expensive, exclusive, homogeneous, and hostile to struggling artists than ever!

TERF’s really want to make TERF a slur even though it’s a straight-forward descriptor. I would argue that the R should mean “reactionary” instead of “radical” since there’s nothing radical about being transphobic.

I feel like most people know what you mean when you refer to a guy as a “Kyle.”

Oh my god, the Grey Chads and Karens are SO mad, y’all. lol

I mean, those are Chads who are called out all the damn time. But do keep on with this disingenuous bullshit.

Brad is gay, Kevin is either an internet troll or lives with his mom.

Karens don’t get bad grades, they get an elder Karen to call the principal.

Perhaps the most perplexing quality all Karens share is time because they always seem to have it.” Right?

LOL, wow. White women really have some time extra time to think during this pandemic, huh? Let’s not vex them, they might vote for Trump again to get back at us - I mean, that’ll really stick it to all of us classist misogynists!

I think the whole Karen thing is being pushed by the Becky lobby...

Nah. Karen would have turned to her well off mother and father and had them apply pressure (AKA:Throw money at the joint) and have gotten in. Becky on the other hand is lower middle class if that and her parents don’t have enough money to pay for a new mop and bucket for janitorial to clean up after her brothers who

So should Becky with Bad Grades be reclassified as Karen with Bad Grades?