The problem I have with this is that technically he did nothing wrong. I think he could have handled the situation much, much better but all three calls were technically correct.
The problem I have with this is that technically he did nothing wrong. I think he could have handled the situation much, much better but all three calls were technically correct.
I totally agree but I think many seem to have taken issue with your tone, even if they can’t disagree with everything you said.
I will say this, though: I don’t think she’s a drugs cheat and the fact that so many seem to think/insinuate that she is probably fed her over-the-top reaction last night.
Hi, fellow disabled Scot!
Please never speak for me or any other man who isn’t mostly trash ever again.
I thought so too at first but then I remembered he’s a Napoli guy and had to leave the club he loves because of some truly circumstances not of his own making. The Golazzo team did a great job of summarizing it this week.
The video is from Eleven Sports (owned by the owner of Leeds United) who broadcast in Poland among many countries.
Up the workers!
To be fair, no-one expected what Salah did last season either.
We all are now best.
Agreed. I haven’t been a regular viewer for about 5 years but I read everything David writes about it!
The justice system is 100% messed up. “Innocent until proven guilty” only works when we can have confidence that police will properly investigate all crimes equally and prosecuters will take up the cases referred to them equally. That doesn’t happen. Police protect police. Men protect men. White people protect white…
This is such a great point, and something I myself have often overlooked.
This this this this this.
This joke is so good that I feel a little bad for breaking the news that they don’t play at RFK anymore. They moved to the brand-spanking new Audi Field earlier this month.
This joke is so good that I feel a little bad for breaking the news that they don’t play at RFK anymore. They moved to the brand-spanking new Audi Field earlier this month.
They did successfully hack the voting machines. We know this. I don’t know if they changed totals. Those who likely do know say it didn’t happen. But they claimed the voting machines were not hacked until the information available showed them to be lying, so I see no reason to believe those fuckers.
I’m glad, because it read like sexist bullshit.
I remember it well. I actually went to that tournament. I went with my Sweden-obsessed brother (I have no idea why Sweden - we’re Scottish) to see them struggle to break down a stubborn Paraguay in Berlin’s Olympiastadion. (1-0 Sweden, Freddie Ljungberg with a very late back-post header, if memory serves.)
I don’t understand why the players can’t be paid a modest stipend from TV revenue/shirt sales while they are still ”student” athletes. It could be that simple.
(I mean, I do know. It just sucks.)