Hmmmm. The relationship status part is really interesting. I hadn't considered that but I think there's something to it.
Hmmmm. The relationship status part is really interesting. I hadn't considered that but I think there's something to it.
That is actually perfect. I'm totally going to use that.
That's just...
Nope. No words.
I was really confused by this post but on second reading I got that you meant the distinction between identifying as feminist and proclaiming your feminism to anyone who will listen.
I was really confused by this post but on second reading I got that you meant the distinction between identifying as feminist and proclaiming your feminism to anyone who will listen.
I hadn't come across the term 'mactivist' before now but I have definitely met mactivists. See also 'manarchist.'
I'm male and when I felt comfortable with the feminist label and started discussing feminist issues I was, without even realising it, dominating conversations and was definitely in the "but don't I deserve…
One of those dancers was one of the sharks!
I agree other than England being a generally terrible place to develop young talent unless you want them to be fast and powerful but have very little skill.
You're adorable. You ask for an explanation as to how they could possibly be at different levels then when it's explained you huff " oh please" and "OK, bud." I get it. You didn't actually want it explained. When you asked "Explain how SCIENCE can affect 11 out of 12 balls on one team, and 0 out of 12 balls on the…
Uh... nope and nope. It's perfectly plausible that the Pats inflated theirs to the bare minimum and their opponents to the maximum and let science do the sciencey bit. I can't understand why this is so difficult for you. I also, as a Packers fan, don't see why this is any more serious than Rodgers doing the exact same…
You're assuming both sets of balls were inflated to the exact same point. There is no basis for this assumption. All we know is that both sets of balls were within the legal range.
This Packers fan agrees. Generally I like McCarthy but this was straight-up cowardice. The worst of it is he would have gone for it on 4th-and-1 in the 1st in a regular season game. He choked and it cost us way more than Bostick's (admittedly terrible) mistake. Seattle should have been dead and buried by then.
You are actually the sweetest thing. You made me do an awwww.
This sweater-wearing man approves this post.
Aye, we're good cunts.
Cunt doesn't have the same misogynistic overtones here in the UK. It's used pretty evenly. In fact, here in Glasgow it's practically used as punctuation. My American wife had a hard time convincing her mother that it's ok to use it here. A few days in Glasgow set her right.
Sorry to be Mr McSchmuckface, but Big Brother is Dutch. It just got huge here before the US launch.
To clarify, is your point that because sufficient outrage at this kind of abuse has not been shown in the past, we can't be outraged about this abuse? I really hope not, but that's how it reads. I would think the reaction to these crimes (please, please, please don't call them that - it's just the grossest thing)…
Is she not "forced to engage" in the "involuntary act" of random strangers on the internet viewing her sexually explicit photos? I would argue she is.