
So this conversation is making me rethink a whole lot of my favorite artists....

It must be hard nowadays being a showbusiness child trying to prove his/her adulthood through shock value.

You wonder what they were doing as kids to believe that kids today are so terrible.

If due process is your only argument against killing them, you might find that allowing them to set up their own little kingdoms inside the country violates some basic tenets of U.S. law too.

Yes thank God. What is with universities treating major crimes committed on campus as academic infractions?

I got really excited thinking this was going to be about Mary Martin playing Peter Pan and how she is awesome.

I hear reports of China's "Leftover Women," single, unmarried, 27 and older women, but then I also hear of a massive surplus of single men, because of all the drowning female babies/sex-selected abortion. I know media narratives tend to reflect stories that grab our interest more, but how is it possible that both of

It was meant to be supportive of both of you.

My partner and I were long-distance for a long time too (and a good bit of the time now), and I know how much it sucks and I'm sorry. But some of the unintended consequences of our long-term relationship time are that we are very effective communicators, we can handle being apart when we need to, and we really enjoy

if it helps, my facebook has been blowing up with Christians upset about anti-gay policies in Russia.

Maybe the point should be that the internet is great at things like investigative reporting, but not so good at detective work.

Paul-inspired is almost definitely true, but some were written as many as 80 years after Paul's death, so they might have come from communities of Paul followers, but almost certainly weren't written by someone who knew Paul personally. I think your point stands. None of them were consciously writing scripture, in the

Clinton - Brief note. According to the most current scholarship, only two of those passages were written by Paul. And the comparison with emails isn't exactly apt. They were all written with the intent that they would be read and shared by the whole community. This is especially true for burner's Timothy reference,

Boswell's thesis in his earlier book is that outside of the Leviticus, each of the passages you mention are not in fact referring to homosexuality. He places those quotes in context to indicate that social sanction of homosexuality was in flux at the time. That's sort of his point.

The article's explanation of the book is misleading. Boswell notes that some of the language in contracts made between men (sometimes two, sometimes hundreds) in a particular Balkan ceremony called the adelphopoinsis in Greek is similar to the language used in certain marriage rites. This adelphopoinsis ceremony

Is constantly asking whether or not our desires are okay or completely crazy a subtle way of gaslighting ourselves?

"Because fuck Wednesdays, that's why!"

Rick Warren wrote The Purpose Driven Life. Brain's not storing stuff all that well, huh?

I didn't realize that Craig didn't run for reelection. I think I'm just sad because Wiener was really articulate and I liked his politics. I should give it up. Do you think that since Spitzer doesn't have an iconic name/picture for his scandal that he'll be more likely to survive?