Not to mention he probably could of went to a bank and got a proper loan at half the interest. Student loans tend to have pretty high interest.
Not to mention he probably could of went to a bank and got a proper loan at half the interest. Student loans tend to have pretty high interest.
/clicks Subscribe, queues up podcast
No, but when you are talking about writers on sports sites, who take irrelevant reader emails and respond with jokes and make sure to end with extra weird story to show you just how bizarre their readers truly are, then yes there is a striking similarity.
That name dropping paragraph was turrrible, but you do realize your biggest article each week is a blatant rip off of his mailbag, right? You mail that in as much as anything Simmons does.
Yup, these are his readers.
1. That was likely the 1.5L car, which North America will likely never see.
Of course.
Coach K: Kind of a dick, right?
Yes, I guess I should also point out that I was raised mormon, served the mission, went to byu, etc etc and am now fully out of it, so I'm afforded every right to be as critical and mocking as I want
I made the mistake of clicking on the Gerber sandwich link:
I'm a transplant from Chicago/Southern Wisconsin living in St. Louis for 17 years now. A couple observations: Every native St. Louisan is fucking OBSESSED with The Hill. They all think they've got the best Italian neighborhood cuisine and it's basically all just pasta with cream sauce and deep fried ravioli, that's…
I am not interested in seeing Cthulhu's baby pictures.
"through the first two years"
I too, spent good time on that airframe (nearly 2000 hours before getting out in 2007).
Contact the author at
Please....just fix the gauges in the ATS, even the V has them.
He doesn't seem to think you can evaluate an engine objectively, separate from the transmission. I disagree with this sentiment, since it is something I am required to do for my job.
Having driven the RC-F extensively, I can say that the engine is a dream. The #1 issue with this car is incorrect gearing.
He could also afford to move away from Michigan, which is a better option if we're being honest with ourselves.