At least the Dogecoin car makes an amazing noise unlike the new F1 cars am I right?
At least the Dogecoin car makes an amazing noise unlike the new F1 cars am I right?
And they say self driving cars will be dangerous?!?!
The dashcam linked in this post is over a year old at this point and not worth it. Like laptops and phones, dashcams come out with new models constantly rendering the old ones obsolete. If you wanted to buy one now, I recommend the Mini 0801. A bunch of my friends use it, and I will be upgrading to it as soon as my…
It may make you buy a PS4, but before you do that, know that it is being released on PC as well. Whatever way it may be, I hope that the game lives up to a fraction of the expectation set before it and no matter how it is purchased, I would be happy knowing that it was.
So, again, not fully defeatable. What you just described is not fully defeatable.
it's super effective!
They're not doing anything that hasn't been done before outside of putting all the different features in one coherent package. I don't think they're beyond the scope of capabilities. They have the budget and the team. The only thing I'm sure they'll slip on is time.
To be honest if it wasn't for the scope I wouldn't have any interest in it. I have no warm fuzzy feelings for Wing Commander and I'm not a huge space shooter fan. Exploring a persistent universe in a multi-crew capital ship has my interest though.
It's remarkable that the rally wasn't cancelled outright after the first incident, in which a rally car went off the road and hit five spectators, one of whom is now listed in serious condition in an Intensive Care Unit in Edinburgh, according to The Guardian. The Eccles stage of the rally was suspended, and the rest…
I love hiking. I don't walk to work.
If you have fun driving in stop and go traffic with what I assume is a manual (depress clutch, lift off clutch enough to move, depress clutch, repeat...) then more power to you.
OjoCam videos. Looks decent:
Visit Austin in the Fall. The weather will be cooler and UT will be back in session (more excitement downtown). Stay downtown if all possible, but the prices for rooms right off of 6th street can get expensive. The Driskill, Omni, and the Stephen F. Austin Intercontinental are all primo places (Driskill and SFA…
Move around a bit, you don't own any given city and you don't have to defend it just because you live there. There's plenty of good and bad aspects to various cities. I live in Austin FOR THE MOMENT. But let me break it down for you -
This is not a personal attack, but your clutch critique landed directly in a pet peeve of mine. Back when people read and made car buying decisions based on Road-and-Driver-Trend magazines, whenever they needed to bash a car (reviewing a car made by someone other than those who had big advertising contracts with the…
Best. Racing. Suit. Ever.
Or in certain cases, bad luck.
For the electric turbos that you turn on manually over 50mph. Duh. Before it was taken down, this was the ad:
Chevrolet Camaro 2013 (US): 80,567
It didn't fail.