
Color me badd.

Another person whose WAR on drugs hasn't been very good.

That comment wasn't as offensive as the officiating. I say this with zero hyperbole...that was the worst officiated NCAA tourney game I've ever seen in my life.

That's a major insult. Or at least a mid-major.

soon as i heard this, i immediately came to deadspin. right on cue. i laughed, even though i should not have.

Panda bear bearin' down to celebrate the Bears on Bear Friday. I believe today was a good day. For bears.

Can we please not call them "pro-vaxxers?" We don't call all tenured biologists pro-evolutionists or all board certified physicians pro-AIDS-truthers. There's no such thing as a pro-vaxx person or physician. There are normal, functional, educated people, and there are vaxx-deniers, AIDS-deniers, and evolution deniers.

Instead of "pro-vaxxers" can we just be "normal people" or "rational everyday humans?" I don't want these anti-vax people to be given any more ideas that this bullshit is a two-sided "debate."

I cannot wait for her story this season. Its going to be SO GOOD


Wow, I really shouldn't have come over to my favorite website after all the love and excitement we've had this evening in other places about the trailer. I'm sorry so many of you hated my book. I tried my best. Wow, this hurts. (But, just to be clear, I wrote this in 2005; I have the initial rejections to prove it.


Are you referring to the fact hat if it wasn't for his five o'clock shadow, he'd totally have a Hitler mustache? And that he also has has Hitler's haircut, just slicked back? Or that, all I can think of when I look at him is to wonder if the phrase "Hipster Hitler" ever came up during the brain-storming sessions of

Observe the guy in the second video. He's lying so much, he can't even look at the camera (symbolizing the viewer's eyes) straight.

"I believe in opportunity* for all** and I'm a republican***."

I love how all of Black Simon and Garfunkel's covers turn into "The Boxer" at the end.

Rollins Banned

Here's A Story About Richie Incognito Beating A Really Nice Dude

Is this the first female poop story in funbag history? Why isn't this getting the coverage that Michael Sam is getting? It's as if Rosa Parks went beast mode and actually took a giant shit on the bus.

Oklahomas hottest new bar is called Fifty Shades of Gary! Located in a Quasar near Marigold Lane, this watering hole has everything! When you enter, be sure to hand your coat to the backwards talking midget from Twin Peaks, who accepts all major Jelly Beans. Playing Tuesdays at 10:00 am is The Kule Cluck Plan, Gary's