
Russian Security Officer: "What is wrong with eye?"

Q: Why did the Rams owner buy a stadium sized plot of land?

Crossword puzzle makers rejoice! The LARAMS are back!

In 2012, the city rejected a plan that would have pumped $700 million in taxpayer dollars into improvements on the Edward Jones Dome,

That was an awfully rapid descent down the slippery slope, what with an entire football team now trying to get married.

[i]A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.[/i]

Seconded. I used to live in Southern Illinois. When I tell people Illinois, they assume Chicago. I can't tell them the actual city because they have no reference, so I have to say, "just outside of St. Louis", to which they respond, "St. Louis...Missouri?" as though suburbs can't be across a body of water or

I think it would be more of Chicago hates NYC, and Illinois hates Chicago.

I agree with pretty much everything you say here.

Illinois: New York? No. Chicago hates NYC, but the rest of Illinois doesn't give a fuck about NYC and the whole of Illinois doesn't give a fuck about the large state of New York.
And most Chicagoans hate Wisconsin more than they hate NYC, so I'd say N. Illinois hates Wisconsin. S. Illinois hates Missouri.

Dear people who hate gay people because they find butt sex squicky -

Okay, why the hell did these people not stop the cat instead of taking video while their cat took down the tree? This seems like a bad decision.

Jeter: Stay away from the light. The light is dangerous. Don't even look at the light.

Man: [sits down to eat]

I think this wins the internet today.

You are tip.

I'm not sure I agree with the charge. Clearly, she wasn't set.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."