
I just wanted to ask Burneko how long he had to lobby to get the Wile E. Coyote story published. However long it took, it was totally worth it.

While I find all of this fascinating, this article was worth it just for this line:

Wait. Are you Canadian or something? This was almost nice.

I think Nathan Lane could play him in the supremely boring movie based on this.

Well played, Deadspin.

I would watch that press conference.

Why do you torture me, Pinkham?

I just came here to say that the unaccounted for asterisk in Lara Saunders’ story is slowly driving me insane...why did she asterisk “hippie vegetarian place”? Why?!?

Oh, it’s not just nephew Zack: my mom is crazy for the Minion memes on FB. I’ve begun to think it’s a cry for help.

This, this, so much this.

C’mon, now: you know that any statement that begins, “Not to be X, but...” is going to be X as fuck.

Wow, that is awful. I’m glad Deadspin has been on this—it’s fascinating to watch how outlets like ESPN are willing to overlook things like this, and it takes our bloggers-in-their-moms’-basements to do actual, responsible reporting on it. Tough story, good work.

I came here to say that I can totally get behind this new feature. You can keep it even if (especially if) he gets fired.

A 98-win team shouldn't be in a play-in game. What about reseeding based on record?

Got it for my wife’s birthday last year, you’d have thought I got her the Mona Lisa. Definitely worth watching just because it’s such a weird concept.

The way I see it, it can go a few ways:

1. Bring in Leitch to do an actual “Root for the Cardinals” article. Odds: 50 to 1
2. Bring in Magary to do the “Fuck the Cardinals and Burn St. Louis to the Ground” article. Odds: 5 to 1
3. Just post the headline, “Fuck the Cardinals” Odds: 10 to 1

All odds were completed made up

I suppose not, but he made a valid point that I hadn’t really thought about in that way before. So, yeah, maybe not the best source, but it made me think a bit differently.

All I can think of is the Louis CK bit about how the #1 killer of women isn’t anything like cancer or heart disease—it’s men.

As a Cards fan that just has to read whatever Drew wants to spew at us, I think the “Gosh Brigade” thing is pretty damned funny.

Why are you spoiling their Cards article?