
Hot dang, I love them feet!

In this case, exactly. I usually run into this phrase before the vile shit—I’m honestly a bit shocked that he didn’t lead with it.

Although I do like where it cuts off, too: “I’ve got lots of black friends, so let me explain this to you...” It’s one of those phrases like, “I’m not racist, but...” that just acts as a warning that you’re probably about to hear some vile shit.

My thoughts exactly!

Totally with Leitch on the LeBron thing. I was shocked at how much better I felt about the guy after seeing Trainwreck. Who knew pulling off a good supporting role could erase something like The Decision?

“...takes us inside the walls of a school for the deaf for a harrowing Lord of the Rings-style exploration...”

Thank the FSM that plenty of women share your sentiments.

Eh, I’ll take the occasional story where someone is not being a dick and is being actively nice. I don’t think we have to find a reason to undermine everything.

As an Austin resident, how y’all doin’? We’ll just be down here, creeping ever closer to San Antonio...

I know that you meant “hate” instead of “ate”, but that just about broke my brain trying to picture it.

You make a good point—the most recent example of what you’re talking about that’s stuck in my craw is the Christian vlogger that got caught with an Ashley Madison account. He said something like, “I know that God has already forgiven me,” and I think that is the most entitled, bullshit thing someone could say that

Yep, this whole line of thought is terrifying. It does make a case for religion, though: it keeps some huge psychopaths in line because they think there’s a bigger, meaner psychopath that will punish them. I can’t imagine living like that...

Thank you for making this post—it’s good to know I’m not the only one.

Didn’t know that—thanks!

I truly don’t understand—why would this be a red card? It’s not like he was beating on another player...

Vanilla Sky

I’m just tossing this out here, but I’m thinking that their confusion is slightly disingenuous.

“Oh, it snowed 4 feet there yesterday? Well, in Minnesota, we don’t even plow when it snows 4 feet. Oh, it was 2 degrees for a high there? Well, in Minnesota, we wear jorts, flip flops, and tank tops and go fishing for walleye in 2 degrees. No one is as hearty as we Minnesotans! Kneel before our heartiness!”

This may make me a horrible person (among other reasons I’m a terrible person), but I did enjoy him getting in the, “You’re going to die soon,” right at the end.

AJ’s puppy analogy is pure gold.