
I got a free coupon for a session when one of these opened up in Austin a few years ago. As I recall, you leave your underpants on and get some thick shorts to go on over those? Anyway, it was a weird experience, but not actually terrible. It may have been a placebo effect, but I didn’t feel as warm at night when I

This was a tailor-made moment for them to seriously address the CTE issue, and they’ve chosen to stick their heads in the sand, while somehow managing to kick that sand in the face of his family. Bravo, NFL! I’m not sure you could have handled this worse if you wanted to!

Thank you! I was trying to figure out who the husband looked like.

Oh, I’m not saying that beer prices aren’t ridiculous. But there are huge A-B breweries across the country (southern CA, Houston, Colorado, etc.), and I’m not sure what proximity has to do with anything.

Someone needs to point them to all of the Cardinals bashing on here—y’know, so they can see how REAL fans whine about Deadspin posts.

Honestly, most of these teams are likely quite close to major breweries, so I think it’s kind of a moot point. But way to get a Cards dig in! That’s the Deadspin Way!

Maybe in the film, but otherwise there seems to be plenty of Edward Furlong.

As a Cards fan in Austin, sorry about all that hacking.

Good advice. As a Cardinals fan, this was a good week for my phone to brick. It’s kept my blood pressure down.

Well, even when we lose the series, I still count playoff games as meaningful.

Just saw a trailer for this last weekend—it looks absolutely amazing. Is this a Drafthouse Films thing?

Fair enough. I’m just not sure how a Cards fan is supposed to respond to the hacking thing. Not a lot we can do, y’know? Also, any Cardinal fan that non-ironically uses BFIB is exactly the type of douchebag Drew hates on and deserves these heaping piles of scorn.

Hey, now, that’s not very nice. I don’t come into FIFA threads talking about bribery scandals. I enjoy the World Cup quite a bit—I’m sure I contributed to those ratings. You just let me enjoy my dying sport with my cheating cheater of a team, okay?

That’s the number of championships for each team.

How about Cardinals 11, Giants 8?

Nah, that’s too logical. MLB would be more likely to use a magic 8 ball.

Okay, they might have taken some liberty there. I guess they could have said, “Beat his head on the pavement.”

I’m a big fan—I think I liked the Night’s Watch ones the best. Carrot is my spirit animal.

Quoting from the story:

Yes! I always think of this image when people start invoking god or creationism.