
Ah, right. Got to get your beatings in before someone can prove their innocence. It does make total sense.

I’m saddened that we’re not getting a convoluted explanation as to why the ABC agents aren’t being charged with anything. Isn’t beating up innocent people a crime?

They should absolutely do more stuff like this if they can—look at all of the press they’re getting for it. I cannot wait.

Goddamn it, I’d forgotten about that. *involuntary shudder*

I remember thinking as I drank it for the first time, “Tastes like Shiner has finally made an entry into the Lime-a-rita field.”

Okay, this brings me to the newest seasonal Shiner offering: Prickly Pear. Tried it the other day, and I can truly say that it doesn’t taste like any beer I’ve had before: it is weirdly sweet in a way that I both like after one and hate after two. Anyone else had this one yet?

I can’t stand wearing sandals, even in appropriate places like a pool or beach. I think this was due to being raised on a farm—there were any number of sharp/nasty things that you don’t want to step on or in. Anyone else have this issue? It keeps me in my running shoes almost constantly. Also, disclosure: I do own and

I know it’s not even remotely possible, but what if FIFA had a World Cup and no one came?

Try not to menstruate.

I have to know...what, exactly, did they want to talk about? The fact that you (an adult!) bought beer on your own time, or the fact that you have a functioning reproductive system?

Oh yeah, a drink is required while watching Intervention.

Mrs. Vices and I used to watch A&E on Mondays when they had Hoarders and Intervention back to back. We called it “Feel Better About Yourself Monday”.

I was just expecting this list to scroll on to infinity. There are some damned obscure Muppets on there.

We are completely surrounded.

Agreed. I play in a men’s beer league, and it’s okay to be good if you’re not a dick about it. It being a men’s league, we’re really all just out there living out our MLB fantasies anyway. Well, that and drinking beer, of course.

Worth watching the highlight just to hear Vin Scully. I could listen to that man read the phone book.

No, I love mushrooms! I just grew up on a farm where we tossed the smutty ears—it affected me, man...

Not a mushroom that sprouted like a dead toe from something I already considered food, no.

Definitely a southern thing, and I imagine Atlanta is the epicenter. I’ve been here long enough now that I don’t even blink when I order a Dr. Pepper Coke.