
So...what does it taste like? A gamier mushroom?

As a transplanted Midwesterner, I can confirm this—pop is everywhere. I actually got teased for calling it soda.

However, it was far weirder to move to the South, order a Coke and be asked, “What flavor of Coke do you want?”

Yeah, I was surprised what I found with a quick search—I had no idea. Although I still have a problem with the place that tried to call it “corn truffles”.

I haven’t tried it, so it may be delicious. I was raised on a farm, and we picked a lot of sweet corn in the summers. And not once did I consider eating one of the ear that had what looked like rotten toes sticking out of them.

It may be wonderful, but I have too many memories, man...

That is fungus in a tortilla.

Drew, thanks for including “corn smut” in one of your answers. As one of the 3 people here that know what corn smut is, that’s freaking disgusting. Also, I will now start looking for the inevitable food truck that will pop up here in Austin with the aforementioned corn smut tacos. If found, pics will follow.

Interesting article, but I really wanted to say that Tara Jacoby did an awesome illustration. Nicely done!

Man, I could not imagine having Pujols running at me like that. Ventura would fit in one of his shoes.

I know it doesn’t hold a candle to being a black baseball fan, but do you also feel like the youngest fan all the time? I’m also in my thirties, but judging by all of the ads during a game I must be 38 going on 87.

We all need this cat head for something.

I don’t think you tried to troll Cardinal fans hard enough there. B-

I feel like your story encapsulates the experience of being a kid quite well:

Immediately made me think of this:

Right? I just figure that the NCAA is like FIFA Jr.

I do feel better! Also, I think I want to be a bear now.

Welp, I'm glad we got this started early. It is truly the start of baseball now that a national sportswriter (I use the term loosely) has fellated the Cardinals over their "way".

Kelly Faircloth is not wrong! Tagalongs are the best!

Saw this last night, and it was just what we needed: we'd had a hard week, and we wanted a big, dumb comedy. It certainly doesn't live up to the first one. But, if you go into it knowing that it is what it is, it's fine. It's no Blazing Saddles, but it's no Freddy Got Fingered either.

Pictured next to him: all of his gay friends.

I believe you meant "verbal raping" in place of "persecuting".