
That movie is quotable from beginning to end. I also love when Denise Richards is showing off the gun her Mom gave her, telling her "God loves a winner."

"Frieda used to be the oldest Lutheran in Minnesota, but now she's deader than a doornail! I keep telling them Shriners, 'Take down the gotdamned Frieda sign!' Lazy sons a bitches..."

I could imagine that would be pleasant on one or two people, unbearable on an entire group.

Unfortunately, he channeled Sidney Ponson.

I remember junior high dances being thick with the scent of Drakkar. It was awful.

Sometimes folks just need a heads-up. That's what friends are for, right?

In letter #3, since they're best friends, I assume she knew her best friend smelled like ass before they moved in together? I think she may need to tell her best friend to shower more often because she smells like ass, and the perfume ain't fooling anyone. Would you rather hear that from your romantic interest or an

Hey, as long as it's not your lone conversational prop, I say good for you. And Verizon can suck it.

I don't know. To me it sounds more like, "I don't even own a TV!"

No, lots of people besides Cardinals fans think that Boston can suck it.

Worst Plans in Baseball.


We all need friends like you.


I was just thinking that—it was off just enough. Hilarious.

I think you're right, here. Just a happy accident for the GOP. Like Erin said, maybe it will actually bite them in the ass in other statewide races.

Glad to know you know all of the women in the state. I was talking about how this suppresses the vote for ALL women in Texas, and I think there are quite a few that would vote for Davis, your gross generalization notwithstanding.

I wasn't talking about the conservative women—I was talking about the non-conservative women that just might vote for Davis, but can't, for the same reasons. This law makes it more difficult for women of any political stripe to vote in Texas.

Actually, I think this does not bode well for Wendy Davis—I'd bet the Texas GOP is willing to sacrifice their own votes just to suppress the female vote for Davis. Maybe this law can get knocked down before then.

The problem is that it's self-perpetuating. They hook up and breed the next generation.