
Stole that one straight from my father. He was also a fan of "get a move on" and "quit dickin' around."

I was worried until I saw this was Montana.

Yeah, I often find myself thinking that people this intent on policing others' "morals" are usually the ones with the most to hide. I just figure it's self-loathing projected onto others.

Wait, are you a female? Didn't you read the comments? You aren't turned on visually! Get with the program!

"Hey! Kim! Boys! Let's all sit down and go through your female friends' Facebook feeds! I bet a bunch of them are slutting it up, but it's okay if we block them TOGETHER, amirite?"

Succinct and well-put. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Oh, I think there's a good chance one of them goes through a nice rebellious phase. Maybe he'll even turn out to be gay! That'll be a fun blog post.

This just reminds me of the Chappelle's Show skit where the Internet was a real place. Opposite the wall of undressed women: cat videos.

Those would be the ass-men.

If you didn't already have big love for Stan, you certainly will after this book. I doubt we'll ever see his like in professional sports again.

Earlier today I saw someone suggest that they just spin Oliver off into what would essentially be The Daily Show International Edition.

If you haven't read it already, I recommend Peter Vescey's excellent Musial biography (Stan Musial: An American Life, I believe) that was published in the past few years. It's where I first heard of Buddy.

Definitely. We'll see how his tips help in my slowpitch softball game tomorrow.

+1 million likes. This is lovely.

Ah, one of my finest college football memories was going with my parents (both Salukis) to the Illinois/SIU game back in, say, '89. We were the lone splotch of maroon in a sea of blue and orange, and the Salukis led 21-0 after one quarter. We were the only ones cheering in our section.

I love Jim Leyland. If he had his druthers, he would have had a Marlboro hanging out of his mouth when he said this.

I took it as, "The Amish can sit the fuck down."

My father-in-law once decided to subsist almost solely on yogurt, mainly because he was lazy.

Wait, there's a Preacher TV show/movie? Why was I not informed?