
Seemed all cuddly until I saw those claws!

Honestly, I was shocked I actually stood my ground the first time. I'm usually a pleaser to my own detriment, but this was a special case, it seems.

Not in the same ballpark at all, but when I first brought my girlfriend (now wife!) to my parents' house for a few days, my Mom actually asked where she was going to sleep. I was 24 or 25 at the time, and I was shocked—Mom isn't usually so prudish. It all ended when I offered for us to go stay at a hotel if us (two

Well, I'm guessing at least one of the daughters will have an interesting time rebelling once they get out of the house.

Oh, come now. Just because you made the correct choice of Florida teams doesn't mean you have to get snarky about it!

It's been a ton of fun getting random texts during these games from my friend that's a Bucs fan. They're just frothing and crazy. There's a lot of pent-up angst for these folks, and it is fun to watch.

If he makes a Busch Stadium print, I'm on it. These are awesome.

Holy crap, indeed. The gif is small—did that touch any defenders? It doesn't seem like it did, but the bend on that was crazy.

Damn! He got some speed on that bat.

You are the best, badaboopbadabeep, simply the best. Keep up the good work! This has been way too entertaining for me this afternoon.

You are a treasure, my friend! But isn't it spelled "Jernelism" at Mizzou?

Nope, it was the first site that came up! Your point?

It's okay, I'll Google it for you:

As a Cards fan, that warms my black little heart.

Also, "should of" should be "should have".

It's definitely worth the read—thanks for linking to it, Tom.

I did post because I was ashamed of myself—I wanted to share, see if folks had similar stories. I'm just not sure why you're so obsessed with making me acknowledge something here (How you're right? How I'm wrong? How you're the best and you've always done everything in line with your beliefs? I'm not sure), but you do

Sure, you win: I'm a spineless coward, obviously. Next time I'll be sure to launch into the divisive political discussion with my new bosses just so I can have your approval. I really can't see how that can go wrong. Thanks for your insight.

Wow, I just saw Right Wing Watch for the first time. There is some serious bat-shittery going on out there. My favorite involves Raw Satanic Sewage.

Probably the whiskey.