
So, to me it seems really stupid to attempt to punch someone that's wearing a football helmet. You're not going to strike with much force if you make it through the facemask, there's a strong chance you'll hit only facemask, and you could get your hand caught in there (with the possibility of a broken hand).

Yeah, I shot low there, but you get the point.

Possibly, but as one of the more liberal folks in a very conservative office, I couldn't see that saying anything would do any good. I make a very concerted effort not to bring up politics or religion at work—this was straying too close to politics for me. To each his own I guess, but thanks for calling me a "fucking

I appreciate the kind words—the whole situation makes me feel awful. The interesting thing is that I would expect these kinds of comments from one of the guys, but I was shocked when the other guy was right there with him. I've been here under a year, and I obviously don't know these people yet.

So, I'm at my weekly team lunch last week, and CNN is on while we're waiting for our table. I'm standing next to my two bosses, older white males (FYI, I'm a 36 year old white male), and one notices a Trayvon story one the screen. They both quietly mutter some things about, "I can't believe they're still talking about

Good point. I'm sure Scott was just collecting money for the tip.

So...if Scott hadn't charged the cops, no one goes to jail? Not that it's my cup of tea, but it sounds like a victimless crime.

Also, does anyone actually believe that marijuana is a "gateway drug"? I've heard folks say something like, "Hey, every heroin/crack/meth addict I've heard of started on pot." What about the thousands that started on pot, but somehow have managed not to become crackheads?

Right? It's like saying that soda is a gateway drug for alcohol.

It's a pamphlet.

A pro athlete being busted for's starting to just seem quaint. I mean, he didn't murder anyone, and no one claims pot as a PED.

A non-generic image, and my reaction to this:

I read that as "drive people to drink and drive".

My God, you're right!

My God...the ''s blinding!

I read that wrong at first and thought that the New York Public Library's Stephen A. Schwarzman Building was proposing to a woman. That would have been news.

It was Dole bagged spinach with romaine hearts. Sorry this took so long, but Kinja wasn't letting me comment on Jezebel for some reason.


But because there were no hacky sacks back then, it was a dead rat.

Honestly, I'm not sure—apparently this stuff can take up to a week before you start seeing symptoms. I'll check to see if the better half knows.