
Okay, that is good enough news to make me want to try season 2.

But seriously...what was his take on the new royal baby?

My wife saw him in one of the last Harry Potter movies and said, "Damn. Didn't see that coming."

Interesting...luckily, we've just started season one of both Breaking Bad and American Horror Story, so we've got a lot of fun stuff to watch.

Did they start to downplay her at all? Honestly, it was her uncle that was keeping us watching as long as we did.

+1 I'd forgotten about him!

Mrs. Vices and I abandoned this show after about 3 episodes. We hated (HATED!) the fact that everyone looked like they'd just stepped out of Abercrombie & Fitch's new post-power fashion catalog. Also, we really hated the Charlie character—she was worse than useless, and she seemed to only have one face.

Yeah, these are the stories to point out when some random commenter comes in and complains about Deadspin just posting a picture and "Discuss..." Great story, Tom.

Hey, you should just be happy that Chris Davis is posting on here.

I assume that these posts are mainly to drive me to rage over the fact that I haven't been able to attend an MLB game in 3 years. I promise I'll watch the whole damned thing if I can go!

I don't really see "Enos" making a comeback any time soon, either.

Arthur C. Clarke and baseball in one article? Consider yourself followed. Awesome stuff.

Right? The truth is that there is a "taint" on just about any era of baseball you want to look at. I've lost my ability to get very worked up about the PED thing anymore.

Yep, and I just find that the "good old days", in just about any context, were probably just as bad (quite possibly worse) than what we have going on now. But baseball especially brings out the rose-colored glasses for some folks.

I do love it when the writers get all teary-eyed about the olden days when players "did it the right way."

And this is how humor works. +1

It's like we're the same person. I had fun, and I'm glad that there are 2, 3 pictures of it all, tops.

While this is probably true (I tend to find that we get more unbearable the closer we are to St. Louis), I do think it's sweet that even Cardinal haters are small-market.