
As a dude: Ada Lovelace, no question.

Not trolling here, just a question: what would have been a more appropriate cover (in your opinion) for RS to run in relation to this story?

I don't normally +1, but when I do, it's for a well-played joke made by a username referencing Catch-22.

Let's not forget: you'd need to stage a fall of Saigon-type rescue for Austin. Please?

Wow. His opponent hardly has to campaign.

How will I know how many bowel movements Tebow had today?

I'll take the under.

I'm with you. Revenge sounds nice at first, but the cycle is just ugly.

You make a good point—it's not like ladies have been enjoying the shit sandwich all these years.

Well, that's a pretty kick-ass story. Best I can do is that I saw Ozzie Smith play when I was 9 or so ('86, I think), and I do believe I got a Tommy Herr autograph that day. I was a happy camper. Wish I knew where that autograph got to.

And all I can see is "onion" in the middle of "nonionized" now. I'm glad I'm neither a plumber or a chemist at this point.

Actually, you should ask Ray Fosse about that 1970 game, right?

From what I understand, English is a confusing damned language to learn. It has to be, as I know many native speakers that are always confused by it.

What about Pedro Gomez getting to show off the bi-lingual chops in the interview? I wondered how they were going to handle a non-English speaker winning, and I thought they did a pretty good job of it. Though, not really knowing much Spanish, I'm not sure how good his translations were.

I do hate that it counts (want to make home field advantage fair? How about giving it to the team with the best record?), but it is nice to see all of the best players out on the field together. I can understand not wanting to watch, as it is one of the more bloated baseball games you'll ever see.

If he were a smart man (I know, I know) he would make himself as invisible as possible. Like, leave the country invisible. As OJ showed, just because you got a not guilty in the criminal trial, it doesn't mean that anyone forgives you for what you did.

I'm sure you're right, but this just seems like an awful spiral now.

Had he not been a vigilante, he would have no need to protect himself from vigilantes.

I live in Austin, and most homes still don't have Longhorn Network, another product of the ESPN brain trust. They got into a pricing fight with Time Warner (I believe Grande and AT&T do carry it in the area), and I guess ESPN thought enough people in Austin would complain to Time Warner about it. However, most folks I