
That must have been an amazing speech—he truly seems like an amazing human being, and would seem that way if only half the things I've read about him are true.

It's there to run SportsCenter when the featured game runs over on the main channel.

I'm just glad he showed pretty decent form—I hate to see people I like completely screw up the first pitch. Though I have confidence in my own throwing abilities, I could see uncorking a wild one when I was in front of an entire stadium.

To each his own. I'm not saying he's a genius or anything, just the best of the Blue Collar guys.

You have no idea how many folks where I'm originally from would agree with your last sentence completely unironically.

Well, Dom, you summed up my thoughts perfectly with that headline.

That's true. I was honestly in that camp before a comedy radio station (now defunct) started in my town. I got to hear bits from all four of these guys (I already liked White), and was blown away by the fact that they all do have good bits. I was especially shocked with how much fun Larry could be when he was actually

I completely agree. And if anyone ever actually believed that this is about "what's best for women", this might help clear things up.

No love for Ron White? He seems to be the one crossover that people can stand. Plus, didn't he go solo?

I saw nothing anywhere that anything was actually thrown. It was the perceived threat of them being thrown. The Texas GOP is just making themselves look more and more desperate.

Just the fact that Watson had to do anything is completely ridiculous.

I think you have him confused with his brother.

Well, the "respect your elders" thing has long standing in baseball, but it sure as hell isn't Pedro Gomez's job to police it. That's a locker room thing.

Great minds and whatnot...

Good to know he's always rocked the Dad Jeans!

If it helps your conflict at all, Zamperini was totally in on Hillenbrand's book. I'm so excited for you as someone that hasn't read this yet! It's difficult at times, but very worth it.


I was thinking the same thing. No one wants to stand next to the guy milking his urethra in public.

If you ever get to try it, it may make you type in all caps FOREVER!

Something lovely to do with leftover mac & cheese if you have a deep-fryer*: make some beer batter, sprinkle some bleu cheese in with the mac & cheese, make little mac & cheese(s) balls, roll them through the batter and deep fry. So good. Like little hush puppies of love.