
Honestly, you can't go wrong with Hillenbrand—she could make writing the phone book interesting. I had no idea Zamperini wrote his own book—I will have to check it out—but I have to figure that Hillenbrand has the better writing, Zamperini would be a more direct source.

I have no idea who Mr. Cook is, but Hillenbrand's book was amazing. Louis's story is pretty unbelievable—the script won't have to embellish much at all. Don't screw it up, Angie!

"Why, yes, I got my PhD in Nardology from Ball State. Why are you laughing?"

The novel was kind of novel! I enjoyed it, so it should be fun to watch it butchered on screen.

But it's SO COLD!

And that's when I had the sad. For all of their bluster, they just sad old guys that are losing the tiny bit of power they had left.

While I can't get behind the old fogies' "We Hate Women" parade, this line did kind of stick with me:

Where did the "b" sound come from? I have a friend that does this—drives me insane. I'd never heard anyone say it that way before him. Of course, now I hear it everywhere...

Same question. I love this feature, but wonder why you don't link to any directions. I mean, I could cobble something together, I'm sure, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel (the PVC shower rack?) when someone brighter than me has already done it.

THIS. I see so many businesses and apartment complexes around here (Austin) that water in the middle of a 100-degree day. I would think common sense would be enough for people not to do this, but they do anyway.

I hold a secret hope that you created that screen name months ago in preparation for just this sort of event.

To be fair, Puig is no Bo Hart.

Well? What's the answer? I'm dying over here!

I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Anyway, how many sitcoms have you created and sold?

It's not often I'm instructed to "read this now", and I feel that the order was justified.

Why did it get dusty in here all of a sudden?

I, for one, will always support jokes about MJ's foray into baseball.

Maybe it's just me, but she doesn't look real. And I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean that in a she-looks-so-damned-flawless-always sort of a way.

To be fair, once I found out he was a St. Louis guy, it pretty much cemented my man crush on Hamm. I'm sure my tweets in this situation would be even more embarrassing.

Number only on the front this time.