
My personal email domain is the one in my previous comment. My work email is <First_Name.Last_Name>@<Business_Name>.net as you said. After all, why would I have gaming, banking, or other personal email go to my business email?

How could anyone in tech get this wrong? My email address is <Company/Website_Name>@<First_Name_Last_Name>.us and my first name is nearly unique on Earth.  With just my first name you could probably find my address.

The best way to get the answer to a question on the internet is not to ask it but instead to answer it wrong.

While I know what you mean, the term “confirmed bachelor”* was sometimes code for a homosexual man.

After this paragraph, I no longer had any sympathy for CR at all. He was willing to work under a non-union contract in exchange for a meeting about union contracts going forward and they still said no.  There was nothing binding at all.  Why would they put themselves in such a bad PR position?

When they say “anonymous” do they mean posting mean things about oneself from an account otherwise disconnected from the person (for example a Kinja burner) or do they also include things posted from pseudonymous accounts (like my Kinja account)?

Most food waste doesn’t happen at the consumer level. The vast majority of it happens at the farm/producer or retailer level.

Here’s a situation to talk to the police, if you own a legal firearm and it gets stolen you’d better call the police and file a report. Otherwise, when your firearm turns up at the scene of a crime you are seriously screwed.

Flint wanted to join the new local water authority that has its own pipeline from Lake Huron (which the taxpayers in Flint are already paying for due to a millage). However at the time it wasn’t complete yet (it was finished in Summer 2016) and Detroit (which at the time was also under state control) tried to force

I don’t know about 8x10 but I live in Michigan. We could waste as much water as we want and no one alive today would have to deal with a shortage. Might we have to deal with contaminated water (for example, my hometown of Flint)? Maybe, but any water used here will flow back into the Great Lakes one way or another.

I was happily surprised when I discovered that some manga is available with my Kindle Unlimited subscription. Unsurprisingly (given my username) I’ve been reading Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card on KU for the last few months.

They made pornography illegal in 1997? They did this while trying to control population growth? When one uses porn to handle their sexual urges, they don’t end up creating new people.  That sounds like a slam dunk for a society that was trying to limit the number of new people created.

Rather than increasing the registration fees, any state that requires annual inspections should charge based on mileage. That way EV’s still pay their fair share for their usage of the roads. It’s admittedly imperfect since some of those miles could have been driven out of state but this happens with fuel taxes too.

Welcome to Michigan. If you want to see what happens when a government refuses to properly increase gas taxes, just look here. Our roads are terrible.

Using professional printing is just a precaution and like most precautions it’s not necessary...until it is.

For American passports they actually attach the printed photo to your physical passport.  That’s why they need a physical photo.

I was 13 when I saw Saving Private Ryan at a drive in. (My younger brother was 8 so he has me beat there.) I can’t remember what the first movie of the double feature was but, my dad had fallen asleep on it and I think the plan as to leave before that one since we left shortly after he woke up. I didn’t end up

For me DND has the property of not muting certain high priority alerts. For example, my phone goes into DND when I’m asleep but, certain contacts will still have their calls ring my phone audibly. Also, by default, Android’s DND will bypass the mute for anyone who calls twice in five (or maybe 15) minutes assuming

To boil it, of course!

I hope that the “whether such facts are true or false” part is simply something being lost in translation. Otherwise, someone making unsavory yet truthful allegations (think the entire Me Too movement for example) would be guilty of defamation.