
That’s the thing though, even after this merger, Microsoft will still only be the third largest publisher after Sony and Tencent. If they go after any other member of the top-five (maybe top-ten now that I look at their sizes) after this then there will be a problem but, I don’t really see Nintendo, Sega/Altus,

The designation of a monopoly tends to happen between 80 and 95% control of a market sector. If Microsoft tries to buy Sony or Tencent (the two publishers larger than it) then the FTC and Justice Department will likely get involved. Honestly, if they made a move at EA it would probably trigger anti-trust action to.

Have a look at the AT&T map sometime.  That one has almost completely come back together (even though the current at&t was actually Southwestern Bell who purchased AT&T and took over the name).

I only recognize Vladimir Lenin, is the first one Karl Marx? If so, their ideal would effectively be a monopoly over everything owned by the people/state. I’d like to point out that the people of the United States have elected horrible leaders in the past and that maybe we don’t want to put all our eggs in that

The problem (a problem at least) with your idea is the freedom of speech protected by the Constitution. The standing precedent is that the government can only prohibit a product from reaching the market if it’s dangerous or marketed deceptively. The FDA already requires these products to point out that the FDA hasn’t

That article says that mRNA can be used for gene therapy. For example, if someone wanted to change the genetic code of some cancer cells with mRNA they could use it to make those changes. However, the mRNA in the COVID vaccines isn’t being used that way. It’s being used to cause your cells to temporarily create COVID

Why would I create something when someone else can steal it without consequence?

If the car wasn’t paid off and the payments weren't still being made, it was a completely legal repo. Since the title wasn't signed over to the kid (or his grandfather), he wasn't the owner of the car. 

There have been recalls that extend the warranty indefinitely even after the repair is done. My brother's Kia had one such recall although, extending a 10-year 100,000 mile warranty to indefinite isn't that big of a stretch for most people. 

There’s a VR game called Gun Club VR that requires full reloading of your weapons. You drop the empty magazine, load in a new one, and chamber a round all before you can fire again.

You joke but, I think that (or possibly Alcock) is an actual last name in English. I wonder if this guy was making a joke about his own name and took it too far.

The share price is down but, the amount they pay in dividends hasn’t dropped and, assuming that their 2022 dividend is larger than the 2021 dividend (as each one has been for the last ten years), most long-term investors won’t be displeased.

In this case it looks like they’re just considering the value of a single copy of each uploaded file.  That’s actually a good way to value the costs of piracy (since, as you imply, not everyone who downloads would have actually purchased).

I played through San Andreas again (an old AO rated copy at that) using my OG Xbox on a 1080p TV a couple years ago. Some parts of the game certainly required nostalgia goggles but, it didn’t look as bad as this “remaster”.

Let’s say that you’re on a business trip and your significant other locks their keys in the car. They can call you and you can unlock it remotely without involving a locksmith. That’s the first thing I thought of. I’m sure there’s more.

What about when the word being mispronounced is your name?  Do you get to correct people then?

Why anyone would want to implement taxes in a video game is beyond me.

Typing? No but, I never used very many text-speak abbreviations. Reading, on the other hand, almost daily. My friends and I are in our 30's and many of them make judicious use of abbreviations in text messages and other informal writing. Code-switching* is a thing that exists and this is just one example of it.

As long as nukes aren’t involved, tanks probably will be. Aircraft and drones can’t hold territory (only deny it to the enemy), you need ground vehicles and boots for that.

Water is a horrible conductor. The stuff dissolved in water on the other hand, is rather conductive.