Anyone who has studied kerning*, can recognize a double space by sight.
Anyone who has studied kerning*, can recognize a double space by sight.
Unfortunately, many others in this age group don’t understand technology and simply don’t care enough to learn.
I used to type with one space after sentence ending punctuation on Kinja because it would always eat my second space. That doesn’t happen anymore so I use two spaces again. In general, if I’m typing on a full-sized keyboard, I’ll use two spaces. If I’m on my tablet with its smaller keyboard or a phones' or tablets' on…
What about people who prefer monospaced fonts? Huh?
Leave a small gap between the walls and the roof. That way it’s not a “building”.
While unlikely (propane is so commonly used because it doesn’t easily go boom), if the propane/air mixture is exactly right (wrong?) just opening the door can create the spark that would set it off.
I’ve seen a number of news sites that use Facebook for comments that include a box at the bottom where a comments section would usually go that is simply the Facebook comments on the post for that article.
In the many zombie universes there is a certain fraction of the populace who is immune to whatever is turning people into zombies. Most of those have all of your main characters being those people. I can’t remember if RE has anything like that though.
He hasn’t found out anything yet. This is just his former employer getting fined for failure to supervise. While he’s almost certainly guilty of selling away, everything else is based on how (and when) exactly he traded based on his public analyses.
While the regulators will have this guy dead-to-rights on selling away if the allegations about him managing the accounts of three outside clients are true, based on what I’ve heard about his public recommendations, he probably didn’t break any other rules. Of course, that is based on what we know of him being an…
I saw one of the new white Bronco’s a couple days ago. I wonder if they’ve brought it back because a huge number of drivers now are too young to remember the low speed Bronco chase.
Yeah, I’m from an Anglophile nation (the US) but I’m certainly not white. However, I do have a last name that is a common English adjective. So, whenever I use it in a game that has voiced names, it’s voiced. On the other hand, I usually use “Cardcaptor” as my last name in games anyway so it doesn’t normally help.
Ah, the classic Scunthorpe Problem*. The bane of censors since the internet has existed.
Or you could live in Michigan where we don’t have emissions inspections at all ^_^
I feel like I check these things every couple years and, while there was nothing for me, I found a class action settlement for my mom that I just told her about. I walked her through the claim steps over the phone so we’ll see how it turns out.
An organism living in, on, or with another organism
It’s a sped up and slightly out of tune version of one of Toby Fox’s Undertale tracks. I’m not quite sure which one but that’s probably where you heard it.
Even better, (when in person) “I haven’t been able to taste anything for days, do you think I have CoVID?” That, along with a cough or two, is a great way to end a conversation.
Parasites are living animals just like me and (presumably) you. That doesn’t give them a right to hitch a ride in our bodies without permission. Even if I eat day-old gas station sashimi knowing that there’s a chance of getting some kind of parasite, I still have the right to pay a doctor to get rid of it.
If I am allowed to have an unwanted parasite removed from my body, why shouldn’t a woman have the same choice?