
If he was driving sure. My question is, where was he parked? Was he in a lot, on the shoulder, or in the middle of the road? I know he’s underage but, unless his car was in the middle of the road, why do you give a guy who realized his intoxication level, and decided to sleep rather than drive a DUI?

I don’t know about the state that car is from but, in my state the use of email, texting, and other messaging services are banned while driving. Using the phone for other things (phone calls, setting up GPS, Pokémon GO, etc.) is just fine not illegal.

I’m on Team Not Playing (for now?) since the game keeps crashing after I enter my birth date. I hear a lot about server issues but, I’m not even getting that far before it fails on me. Only twice have I gotten as far as the trainer gender selection screen and both of those times the program locked up so bad (and

Like Alton Sterling who was reaching for his ID, as ordered by the police, when he was shot? Your explanation doesn’t quite fit the reality in many cities.

Looks like it was an accidental death according to the articles I’ve read so far (including this one). At least the guy has been found though.

I don’t know about you but, my monthly fees are quite high....

There was a guy who worked at my brothers elementary school with that name. He’s quite lucky that none of those kids seemed to get that joke yet.

This was cross-posted to Kotaku so yeah, TheGizmofromPizmo probably saw it there.

They still push the security patches for three years, unless I misread something.

You get full device updates through September 2017 and security updates until at least September 2018 since the document says “the longer of 3 years from availability or 18 months from when the Google Store last sold the device.” So, you’ll still get security updates for the full life of your contract.

As Dvdptr and the article said, you get security updates for 3 years not just two. Also, as noted in another comment thread, the unlocked nature of the Nexus device line makes it rather simple to jump ship to CyanogenMod or another still updated ROM. In fact, my primary phone is a Sprint Galaxy Nexus currently running

Many people wouldn’t think to dig their hole in open ground exposed to sunlight rather than under a tree since it’s somewhat against social norms to defecate out in the open.

From what I hear, it was designed to be the first line of defense if Soviet armor came out from behind the Iron Curtain. They would pretty much keep the first wave contained until the strategic nukes started flying/falling.

Samara is the official name of the girl-in-the-well from the American release.

As a black man who, in high school, was on an international trip surrounded by midwestern white people, I learned Euchre and agree completely with your assessment.

Did you not see the breast stimulators? There seem to be options for everyone here.

This is hilarious, yet somehow a strangely informative viewpoint. Good work on the producers of that one ^_^

Yeah, if someone wants to attack a crowded place outside of a security cordon, it seems like we’re just setting ourselves up to fail.

The TSA has been security theater since before Obama was in office. Even fully funded the TSA wasn’t good at actually stopping threats, the lines just weren’t as long.

In April 2001 I was on a school trip and one of the adults (my mother) brought everything to make sandwiches (including a knife to cut them and spread condiments) for 20 high schoolers on the plane. Times have certainly changed (the next year I accidently left my Swiss Army Knife in my carry-on and it went undetected