
There are ads in academic journals? I've never read any straight through (I only got the articles I needed from the library computers in college) but, if so consider me surprised.

Ok, that's what I thought. I didn't check the comments before posting above. Thanks for confirming for me that I'm not going insane ^_^

I've seen this chapter before...I think the preview of it is at the end of the paperback of the second book. In fact I KNOW that I've seen Georgia's last line before. It's a bit too memorable to forget ^_^

Concerning Genesis I personally go with the, 'simple explanation for kids' theory. Assuming that it is a revelation from God, there's absolutely no way that people 6,000 years ago would be able to understand theoretical physics well enough to get the way that the universe works. So, God would have had to simplify

Those aren't the locations of the strings, those are the number of occurrences. Since the chance of seeing any 1 digit number out of a completely random set is 1/10 (assuming PI does actually contain an equal number of each digit) you should see the number 1, 1/10 of 4,000,000 or 400,000 times. It actually appears

I feel obligated to warn people who don't know what Goatse is NOT to do a Google Image search for it. I still remember running into it via a fake link over a decade ago. That was a very bad experience.

Older folks? I get that feeling on occasion when eating or drinking very cold items and I'm only 27. I may have to look into the heart attack risk though, my family has quite a history of various types of heart disease.

The Day the Earth Stood Still? That's the only one I can think of. He asked to be allowed to speak to the UN after all. It was only after being threatened that the problems started.

Yup that's only for the jackpots. The lesser prizes for matching only some of the numbers are fixed amount cash prizes.

Would it help to wear black lined white garments? Something that's black on the inside to absorb the heat from your body but, white on the outside to reflect away the radiated heat from the sun and ones surroundings.

Actually, if the House of Representatives is chosen randomly, I think that I'd like to keep the 17th Amendment. However, where the House is still directly elected by the people, I agree with you about putting a layer of insulation between the people and the Senate. We really need to have at least one house that

If you remove too many of the perks of the office itself then you can end up with more politicians like former Senator Chris Dodd who after repeatedly voting in favor of legislation supporting the MPAA, eventually left the Senate and became the CEO of the MPAA. People would just see the legislature as a pit-stop to

Here in the United States, there is a federal minimum wage. There are some exceptions but, in general, you cannot be paid less than $7.25 US per hour of work and if you work more than 40 hours a week you receive 1.5 times that amount in overtime pay. Some states have higher minimum wages set but no state is allowed

I replied to someone else above saying that I'd be willing to participate in a state level experiment using this system here in the US but, I'd be even MORE willing to watch an experiment of this system from afar hoping that it works out so that we can try it after the bugs have been worked out.

Even this method wouldn't actually be a direct democracy. It would still be a republic but the hope is that if you force people to be a part of said government then maybe you'll increase citizen participation in government. In order for our democratic republic to function we must be educated, active participants in

I think that the number of lawyers that you see in government is simply another form of regulatory capture. Lawyers are naturally interested in law, how it's made, and how it's enforced. Therefore, lawyers are most interested in being in a position to influence these things.

She probably didn't think that anyone other than her friends at MS were going to see this video. That's the issue with posting this stuff publicly. One of her top comments is currently a (hopefully joking) marriage proposal after all.

If I remember correctly, the EMP is caused by gamma radiation exciting electrons into higher energy states in the upper atmosphere. When those electrons drop back down to their rest levels the radiated energy is in the 'right' area to cause damage to electronic devices here on the ground. I don't think that you'd

The United Nuclear website has an interesting horror story about how a guy bought a couple of their big cylindrical magnets. His kid got hold of one and the other one came flying from about 10 feet away crushing the kids hand. They try very hard to get the danger across before shipping these things.

They can't already do that with the in-car cameras? I actually thought that those were already networked in some of the larger police departments around the world.