
What do they have, the 'Double 113.4 gram with cheese'? Although, I probably wouldn't mind too much if they just rounded it up to 120 grams ^_^

They aren't allowed to give actual numbers without violation the ToS but one Minecraft LP'er (EthosLab) has said that he actually makes more from YouTube than from his day job now when thanking his viewers.

I wonder if it was this link that got the video pulled? I've seen almost every episode of Charmed when it was airing reruns daily on TNT during the summers between college years but I somehow missed this one.

This is going to be excellent for that Westeros Minecraft server. They're working on building a 1:1 scale version of Westeros (as accurately as can be done with 1 meter cubic blocks) in Minecraft. The website for their project is

Yeah...I would be quite unsettled by this landing. I don't know how I feel about having so many tons of metal less than 50 feet above me. I still remember back when I was a kid, my family was driving through Chicago near Midway airport. All of a sudden, I heard a roar and saw a large aircraft above my head through

Can a 747 take off from that airport? I hear its runway is a bit short.

Or maybe with a cannon. Really, though either works for me.

O_O How is it that I've never heard of this website before! It has so much information about the weapons used in various series and even includes animated series! Thank you ^_^

Or they just decided to use the same coloring as the 1914 image for some nostalgia based reason.

I did for about a year just after I turned 21 but then I discovered that I just didn't like the taste of the beer that I was drinking. To make a long story short, I found something better and stuck to that. Now, I meet quite a few of those markers ^_^

Exactly, I had somehow managed to get to 26 years old without ever trying any scotch or whiskey then a friend of my family had a wedding...with an open bar (I love the Irish ^_^). Anyway, I found out the hard way that whiskey is NOT for me.

I have to agree with EducationalGeek. Those numbers only account for the strategic arsenal. You know, the ICBMs in silos and large weapons carried by bombers, not for the multitude of smaller tactical warheads and bombs that can be carried by submarines, missile ships, and fighter jets.

You don't even need energy weapons. Just toss rocks from orbit. Hell, you could even pick up the rocks inside our solar system when you get here. No need to drag them here with you.

Not new really, have you ever heard of sensory deprivation? Except that instead of just removing sound, you remove all sensory inputs ^_^

Don't forget, the United States of America is a democratic republic NOT a democracy. We directly elect representatives who are supposed to represent us at the federal level. As such, we simply need to pick better people to spend our money ^_^

@Sunwind (I can't reply to your comment >_<) Honestly, I don't think that First Contact would do it, that would probably just cause an increase in military funding. However, solid proof of alien intelligence without actual contact would almost definitely see a marked increase in NASA funding.

OH! Thanks to both of you! I didn't about that usage of the verb 'to post'. Although, that does make sense once I thought about it ^_^

What does "Do not post" mean in this context? Or, was the, 'Don't be a dick...' line Photoshopped in, cutting off the end of the 'do not post' line.

Well, so far, it hasn't been definitively answered in the books yet either. In the books there are two different theories presented by various characters.