
Not EVERY window just a few nearby windows but they did set off a large number of car alarms in the general vicinity ^_^ This was on one of their 'Top 12' episodes and they said that it happened back when Keri was pregnant so they had her do the apologies since people tend to be sympathetic towards pregnant women.

I'd prefer for a fully-sentient robot to come equipped with rule #1-a "A robot may not harm a human." but none of the others, simply because we don't want to build ourselves into obsolescence. However, forcing another sentient being to protect me, obey my orders, and keep itself alive against its will feels wrong to

Generally the term 'brick' means that you have to perform some solder-fu or other hardware work in order to make it work again if that even works. I've only managed to brick one device through a bad software flash. It was an old G1 that I was trying to root and install CM6 on. I sold it for parts ^_^

If someone else discovers this I can imagine some troll sending a mass text containing this to every cell number they can find. Hell, if I knew it I'd be tempted by my morbid sense of humor. I wouldn't actually do it since I would be horribly pissed if I had a Win Phone and someone did it to me but....

BT v3.0+HS is rated for 24mb/s that sounds like 3MB/s to me now I don't know the max speed of BT v4.0 and I wouldn't try to stream video over Bluetooth anyway but, audio shouldn't be a problem at all.

BT v3.0+HS is 24 megabits/second and completely uncompressed wav is only 1.4mb/s. I can't imagine that BT v4.0 will be slower so that should be more than enough.

O_O Wow, I didn't know about the pepper spray and tear gas prohibitions. I just know that when I asked a joke question in a world history class some years ago in high school about the sensibility of using a low energy laser to blind the enemy I was informed about the illegality of using said methods.

I imagine that they wouldn't keep the rain out for very long.

So, it's against the Geneva Conventions to use lasers to blind enemy soldiers in wartime but someone in the UK thinks that this is just fine to use against civilian protesters in peacetime? Something is wrong here, either my understanding of the conventions or the commonsense of the government officials that have put

When my home internet connection was out I torrented using my tethered 3G connection. I got up to 100+ GB back in July ^_^

That's slightly unnerving. Fortunately My IP address changes every time I power cycle my modem. Also, they only have 4 torrents of mine and only one that has even the slightest chance of generating a letter.

I was stuck in that xkcd schedule for about two weeks back when I was about 20. It felt...strange ^_^

Light, which is made of photons, is energy. Energy is mass E=mc^2. Mass accelerated by gravity has weight. Therefore, light has weight. I will agree that the laser example wasn't accurate though.

This is how I am with most series be it books, movies, television shows, whatever. If you can hold my attention well enough to get through the first few chapters, minutes, episodes, etc I'll probably stick around just to see how you tie things together in the end. I'm a bit obsessive that way. I hate having

People still do this in the modern era?'d think that someone would have made a simple machine to do this like they have for cattle.

I've come across references to it repeatedly but it wasn't until now that I knew where it came from. I haven't played Skyrim.

Does the fact that when I saw 'AC' I thought 'Armored Core' give away the types of games that I played back in the last console generation?

Probably a bit of Halo: Reach and MW2 online since Live is free this weekend.

Yeah, they're offering me that month for a dollar again right now. Maybe I should buy again. Too bad I was broke on Black Friday. Best Buy was selling 3-month subscriptions for $7 a piece. My brother bought himself two to tack on to the end of his current subscription.

I've seen this one before but I still want to know how they found out when the Google Maps plane was going to be flying overhead.