There's a free online version. It's not as fully featured as the downloadable client but it works.
There's a free online version. It's not as fully featured as the downloadable client but it works.
Yeah I just woke up and saw that same e-mail...I'm VERY glad that I never paid for the service. I'm also quite glad that I Livedrive actually owns the servers so I shouldn't have to worry about my data.
Exactly, the only problem is that there is another policy of naming carriers after former presidents. We're apparently running out of those. I wonder, is there a carrier under construction now?
I wonder if Lifehacker is going to to a followup article about the closing down of the free accounts?
I almost lost my battle with vomiting because I laughed so hard at this one. It was a very strange sensation.
Talk about queasy...I JUST finished eating and I had to move the garbage can next to me just in case. Wow, why haven't I ever heard about this one, I guess some parts of American drug policy are actually useful....
Yeah I realized that about 30 minutes after I posted it ^_^ How about we replace 60 with 40 and 120 with 80? That should be more accurate.
In the past I simply used a twist tie to seal the coffee filter around the tea. It's a very good stop-gap method.
So, the identical gameplay means that the Magnum is the most overpowered handgun in history again isn't it ^_^
Yeah, I didn't even own an Xbox until the Halo 2 era. I played this one on PC. I remember having large LAN based PC Halo matches on my University dorms LAN.
I want an FFVII remake. The HD graphics mods for the PC version just don't cut it ^_^
That one's probably going to be released later. I'd be cynical and ask why get $60 when you can get $120 but, with the HD graphics each game will probably take an entire DVD-9.
I must agree. I have read the books and this looks like it could be a good representation of the book. I'm looking forward to it ^_^
I don't think that this one is anthropocentrism though, it seems to be more along the lines of, "We share a relatively recent common ancestor with this species, let's see if we can figure out where along the evolutionary chain our advanced language capabilities began." Although, I must admit that most non-human…
Does ComicRack allow you to view pages right-to-left like MangaMeeya? I'm going to try it out I looked into it before but back then I wasn't into library type programs for my comics and manga. Now though, my digital manga and comics library is huge and I need the organization.
If we use, let's say, Google Voice for the number we could do it almost for free too! Where do I sign up ^_^
Junk faxes are VERY illegal. So make sure to actually have a relevant message in white ink on the black construction paper so that it's not considered unsolicited junk.
It's too bad she wasn't accessible in ME1 I felt like an ass ignoring Liara. I didn't read a walk-through before playing and thought that she would be inaccessible for the entire game....
That was an excellent OEL (Original English Language) VN (Visual Novel). I loved playing through it ^_^
Paid plasma donations are used mainly for medical research, not for other people. That's why they pay for them. The apheresis process for donating platelets through the Red Cross takes just as long and is not paid for.