I have rather large astigmatism in both eyes and it works for me. But, I am wearing my glasses let me try without them...complete and total failure. I guess astigmatism does interfere ^_^
I have rather large astigmatism in both eyes and it works for me. But, I am wearing my glasses let me try without them...complete and total failure. I guess astigmatism does interfere ^_^
That 11,000 number as I understand it only counts strategic weapons. The tactical nuclear weapons are not included in that number.
It's the Nightlies. Release is currently Firefox version 8, Aurora (the Developer release that I personally use) is at version 9 alpha 2 right now and the Nightlies (bleeding edge compiled from source every night) are at version 10 right now.
All you need then, is a fan near the accident scene....
My city often failed in the past to replace underground piping when resurfacing roads. Then the next spring they had to rip it all back up when our 150 year old water mains started failing. I wish they had taken the extra time. I live in Michigan, we have two seasons, Winter and Construction after all ^_^
Wow, how can women use chemicals that closely to their eyes? I have eye proximity issues whenever I put in my contacts.
Crap! I wish I had heard about this >_< I'm in the beta and I would have certainly downloaded this!
My Great-Grandmother was DARK and she had blue eyes. IIRC her Grandfather...umm...owned her Grandmother. My Great-Great-Grandmother also had blue eyes but was much lighter in skin tone.
I thought that human eyes that lacked all pigment were pink like the eyes of albino humans.
Jetpacks are realistic, the fuel time in the game wasn't but, I just considered that artistic license.
Honestly, in San Andreas, I started a new game once and it's very easy to get into the Los Santos International Airport. Just park a car in front of the gate, jump on top of it, and jump over the fence. Then, find a plane (preferably NOT the jumbo jet) and fly around for about 15 minutes to get your flying skill…
Umm...was it supposed to do something? I searched for the phrase 'Do a Barrel Roll' with and without caps and quotations but all I get is a search for the term 'Do a Barrel Roll'.
Damn, I have a katana and this statement makes me want to try to eat a pancake from it...even though that would be a HORRIBLE idea.
Those are just running a bit behind schedule. We still have about three years before Third Impact though ^_^
But...in Evangelion doesn't Tokyo-2 still exist? I thought it was still being used as the center of government for Japan. I'm remembering an office with a large pendulum swinging back and forth and I thought that was in a building in Tokyo-2. Which means that they could name this new city Tokyo-2 and still have…
From what I've gathered, and it hasn't been explained all that well, is that the time/space rift is fixed on both ends so the when and where of both the 2149 and prehistoric ends are stuck where they are.
It's already been noted that they get some, if not all, of their supplies through their 'inside man', the bar owner. Even though I still don't know how they replenish their consumable ammunition.
In this episode, didn't the lottery ticket say that each winner was allowed three dependents passage? I count a spouse and two children as three dependents. The only reason he wasn't allowed to go was the fact that he was in prison. So, the only line jumper was actually Zoe, being an illegal child and all.
If I saw that finale scene from episode two right, they were trapped between a protective gate and an unlocked door of the high school. So, they probably just opened the doors behind them.
I have one question about the PC game: was it ever translated into English? If so, I'm getting this one. I like these kind of games but I don't have a PSP.