
I definitely see your point here concerning the lack of Constitutional concern. I know that it doesn't apply but I see speech as being one of those things that I don't really want to see limited anywhere even if there's currently no laws protecting it so, I feel like a hypocrite if I try to insist on a limitation.

Honestly, I don't have an issue with keeping my mouth shut about certain of my opinions when it would be inappropriate to speak about them. However, I just can't bring myself to expect someone else to defer their right to free speech in order to spare my feelings. Since I can't see myself expecting others to do that

When you word it like that I feel kind of bad saying this but since after a bit of thought I still think it I will say it. Here in the United States a person has the right (in speech if not in actions) to, using your terminology, be a dick. Like Rohsiph above, I try to aim for consistency in my convictions, to the

I feel as though I will be flamed as badly as some of the posters earlier in this thread but I absolutely can NOT tolerate any limiting of speech in the name of civility. As long as the person isn't slandering/libeling me I couldn't care less what they say. In fact, if I can prove slander or libel I may be able to

Thanks, that clears things up nicely ^_^

As a Boy Scout I had fired both rifles and shotguns by the time I was 15. Also, I've had a pocket-knife on me at all times (except on planes and when I was at school) since I was about 16. I've also never used either a gun or a knife on another person (although I have thought about it :P).

It wasn't stated that there would be NO ice. It was stated that during summer, the melt back would be so severe that a ship could travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific (or vice-versa) without having to break through ice to do it. If I remember correctly, that DID occur this summer.

9? Wouldn't ICS be CM8? Or did the CyanogenMod Project release a Honeycomb mod called CM8? I ask because my Optimus S is running a port of CM7.1 that is build right from the nightly source with a few mods for this device (the InferiorHumanOrgans CM build to be exact).

You're probably hitting the max file size for FAT32. If you create the TC volume on an NTFS file system then your limit should be 16TB - 64KB, substantially greater than the 512GB that Backify allows for free.

'The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.' As of 2011/10/05 13:58 UTC-4 it seems as though we've managed to go over their bandwidth limit. Although, I have to ask how that happened with a TEXT adventure game....

Since most cable boxes have two-way communication capability this would be mainly a software question. In fact when I last had Comcast service in my area there was an opt-in agreement on the box that would provide anonymous information about cable usage to Comcast. So it should be relatively easy to implement

In my area Comcast has moved almost EVERYTHING except for the OTA channels to digital from analog. In reality, I understand why. Analog channels use more bandwidth than digital channels so they can stuff more channels in using digital. In fact, if they weren't required to provide OTA channels in analog (and IIRC

If it costs them $4/month/subscriber to carry ESPN then charge me $5/month and I'll deal. It's not that hard. Also, since the Cable/Satellite companies are effectively the only games in town, if they ALL switched to a la carte selections then they'd be able to collectively play hard-ball with the content providers

Yay! Now I get to see what this Usenet stuff is all about. I wonder how this company affords to provide this service for free....

I see your point, it's easy to see where the allowed blocking of spammy mail servers would allow an ISP to just block all mail ports. In my opinion though, it's too bad that the FCC didn't just declare fixed ISP's common carriers instead of attempting to make a new category for them. I understand the extreme squeeze

For example, this should make that no running servers TOS limitation illegal as long as your server doesn't host illegal materials.

VOTE: Better Facebook

They're adults and this is 'excess' milk so the kid doesn't need it. As long as he doesn't kill himself in the name of experimentation what's the problem? Besides that, what law are these people breaking to deserve 'locking up'?

Well yeah but it's been a while I think the after-image was around for about 5-10 minutes.

Thanks for that, now I see a 2.5" at 12" distance cyan blob eyes don't seem to be removing the after-image very well.