
*Horse teeth

"Chiellini! I thought he was a pasta!!"

Dude was trying to show the ref his bite marks, Ref was having none of it. Thats some serious fucking horseshit.

yeah, the whole state school thing really screams spoiled to me.

No... It's really only useful in cities with limited parking. This app would suck in Nashville, where finding parking is like finding obese women with bleach blonde hair.

I don't understand what you're saying about winter, because I just looked outside my house and it is obviously summer. More importantly, aren't Chileans scared, living so close to the bottom edge of the map?

Let me tell you a little story about GM people, because the "culture" comes from the people and their attitudes, as you say, Patrick.

If you happen to run into the Prince of Nigeria tell him I want my money back.

Also pictured in frame — an English 9.

It would be like FC Barcelona quitting their football team to focus on their basketball and other operations; F1 would be fatally injured.

A simulated flight sounds unbelievably awful. I don't know why, really, it just does.

It's not so easy to keep the Mexicans on the other side of that line, now is it?

China says thank you, but we were already using them anyway.

Do you think the interior smell could have been avoided by wearing pants while driving it?

ahh! BA logo how creative

And that's why I don't ride motorcycles. You're welcome everybody.

Charger and Hatch needs to be a car-themed cop show.

It could be worse. Evidently, before I was born, my parents had a few arguments over my father's plan to name me Budweiser, or Bud. His second choice was Matthew, but only because he thought the way his Italian immigrant friend pronounced it was hilarious. I get the impression that it took a while for the seriousness

That is exactly the type of moustache I like to see on America's only licensed helicopter acrobat.