
A Jalop could not but be gay,

Volvo wagons. Favored in well-to-do seaside New England towns by both tourist families and yacht club regulars.

The fact that RyanAir (supposedly) gets 90% of their flights on time has been burned in to my brain. With trumpets.

Yep. He picked up the siesta idea from the Spanish army as a young war correspondent covering their fight in Cuba and later used it during both World Wars to remain productive throughout the night.

To be fair Chiellini was diving about all game so perhaps the ref had become a bit desensitized to his theatrics. Boy crying wolf and such.

I was watching a documentary the other day that mentioned this. 1930 was the year the worldwide economic depression really kicked off and thus holds the record for the fewest Le Mans participants. It was only 17 or 18 I think.

I don't want to glimpse the future...I have a feeling its not wearing pants.

Ah but what's the ring time?

I'm seeing too much of this in the design.

I don't get it. I already have an iOS operating system on my phone, which is with me in my car. I can pull over and use any of its features at any time I so desire. Why do I need another one bolted to the dash?

Maybe if I run out and take pictures of all the beater Toyotas and Subarus on my street I'll win by default.

Is it just me or is the whole C7 vs. the Europeans thing getting more than a little trite?

I particularly like that he's written the word penis as well, incase there was any confusion.

That's not gone well.

You'd be surprised how much a difference in size can impact driving dynamics, even between two relatively small cars. I've driven both the Mazda 2 and 3 extensively and the 2 feels totally different to the 3. I'm assuming it's the same thing with the Fords.

When are we doing automotive feats of strength?

Ah yes, nothing embodies the punk ethos like choir boys selling luxury sedans.

Isn't everyone on Jalopnik a resident wagon lover?