I guess I'm supposed to find this awesome.
I guess I'm supposed to find this awesome.
Again…what does this have to do with cars? Did one of their dads pick them in a Volvo 240 with a manual trans or something?
But this was no sweet and wholesome caroling session — instead of singing "Holly Jolly Christmas," the choir launched into a spirited version of the anarchic anthem "I Fought the Law."
It's bigger, but also happens to be good looking as opposed to the turds that are Audi Q SUVs.
Tire Pressume Monitoring System. The first time this light came on I had to look it up to see what it meant
If only he had wings.
NORAD tracks Santa because Santa is a COMMUNIST!!!
"Well kids, you see, when a country grows up to be big and powerful, it starts to have certain...needs..."
I thought the same thing...regardless of rating I just read each section as, eh.
It's a sport sedan and it doesn't have active dampers. This is a one size fits all suspension, and some might find it a bit too stiff around town. Those people are what we like to call pansies.
Those wheels though...ugh.
Some people use movies such as this franchise to cope with the nastier things we're faced with on a daily basis. The movies, and in turn the actors portraying the characters loved by many, become immortal in a sense. A, "Regardless of what happens around me, I can take solace in knowing this will always be here," sort…
I didn't think Anchorman was really that funny, anyway.
/ducks behind couch
AMEN. This dude has his green beans reversed.
You can also kill a vampire by driving a stake through its heart, or road debris through its battery pack.
I really want to not feel elitist and get excited about this / the new KIA terminator 9000, but I can't. Their designs do nothing for me. Even when they don't just look like a hodge podge of other vehicles (I'll admit this design is refreshingly original for Hyundai), it just doesn't have any emotion to it. Maybe I'm…
Leave the beer out of the fridge, until it gets warm and flat...
Doug didn't write that, it doesn't mention his book even once.
This is James May levels of verbal assault. Can you hire this man and give him a weekly post where he gets to shit talk all the posts that pissed him off during the week? It would probably get a lot of support.