Warren Buffet?
Warren Buffet?
Travis your tongue is boring a hole in your cheek.
Not a bad episode overall. The P45 bit was a little outrageous, but watching Clarkson act like a dickhead and berate cyclists is always somewhat amusing.
I don't know I thought that was pretty funny, although a bit contrived. I was dying when Jeremy was finally getting somewhere, only to blow it by insulting the guy's accent.
I'll take the Corrado please. I've always had it in the back of my mind to own one at some point.
Cool stuff. Seems like they're still looking for money to get it made though, so it could be a ways off yet.
Why is the headline a question if the answer is not only definitively known but actually revealed in the article?
That is one ugly mansion in the background.
Out of curiosity what number does LA get to on a bad day?
Cool stuff. Jalopnik should do a full "writer's cars" feature.
It's in the best color as well; it just accentuates the car's garish nature.
Great, now I've spent the last hour watching HIGNFY clips.
Pretty funny documentary (probably unintentionally so); these people are like caricatures of their respective social classes. I was dying when the grumpy old guy was in the middle of his rant and the little kid hit him with the umbrella.
I actually prefer the "unplugged" sound, but maybe that's just because I know it's real.
Car-themed t-shirts that I would actually purchase and wear are somewhat few and far between, but this site actually has several. It's just a shame they only sell them one at a time; that seems like a strange business plan.
As I replied to Diffikult D, in that case it is not so much the Allied response I find pointless as the root of the war itself. As this story proves, the average German solider was not an evil and coldhearted killing machine. Yet these men were manipulated into a fervor of hate under which they killed and were killed…
In that case its not the war that seems pointless to me but the loss of human life. The average German solider wouldn't have conceived a plan to exterminate entire nationalities by himself, but he was manipulated into killing and dying for that cause.
Whenever I read a story like this, I'm always saddened by the pointlessness of war and the loss of human life. These stories demonstrate that we are capable of behaving humanely to each other, yet it only seems to happen briefly.