Carcycle, Texas

I would agree, were she not receiving the support of a top five team. If she was getting the same kind of team and budgetary support that drivers of her caliber generally receive, she’d have a really hard time getting to the finish line at all. That being said, me sitting here judging here is ironic since I can hardly

Proposed Jalopnik crime division: Jacopnik

It is because you have to choose from the lesser of multiple evils

Friend in Morgantown used to carry his AK on a sling on his back with rear pockets with magazines, and ride to the local range (five miles away?)

Because West Virginia.

Bellevue PD seems to be here answering inqueries from Jalops. They should probably be stickied.

Just in case seeing it the other way helps someone.

Here are some better versions of the photos

Nope. Almost had me.

Pft I could lose 110 pounds

How about just let Chris Evans go so everyone can breathe? He seems to be the only douche causing problems early on, and it's not like anyone even knows him outside the UK.

Hate to say it, but with a cast of six, plus the The Stig, a host that reportedly can’t drive and talk simultaneously, who can’t ride with Sabine Schmitz without puking, and is threatening to quit... Let’s just say I hear the fat lady warming up backstage.

Chris Evans just looks like a smarmy fuck, and I can’t wait for my completely biased uninformed opinion to be validated when he’s the sharp instrument in the late-term abortion that’s inevitably on the way for this show.


Another rear-end mistake is the fact that the wing is still present. I doubt a cheap Model 3 (and Y) would include the retractable wing.

Rocket scientist isn’t a job title

In VT they’ve gone to the “I dare you” posture. 45 degree angle with the trunk 3 feet into the lane. Thankfully, we don’t really get full lanes unless traffic’s at a crawl.

You are correct. Texas is move over one lane OR slow to 20MPH below the posted speed limit for speed limits 25MPH or higher. Or 5MPH below the speed limit when the limit less than 25MPH.