
But how familiar are you with Robbie Reyes?

In other news, the universe doesn't revolve around you.

We get it. You read comics in the 90s. Yae.

I can't decide if she's trying to be funny or just certifiable.

Can't we just agree it sucked & move on? I'm starting to feel sorry for this dead horse.

I'm gonna pick this up. Thank you, sir.

Blurring the line between cynicism and stupid.

You're doing the Lord's work. Bless you.

This reminded me of Chris Rock's joke about subsiding gun violence by making bullets super expensive.

3 times a lady.

Wow. You're totally void of a sense of humor, aren’t you? Whatever you say, broody.

Pointing out spelling errors would go over a lot better if I was able to just easily correct my post on here. What's done is done, Debbie Downer.

As in "you're a party pooper"? Yes.

And you wonder why you’re party invitations are always getting lost in the mail?

It just happened yesterday. Maybe they will release it eventually. Patience, Willow.

Firstly, try writing coherent sentences. Secondly, they do plenty of “super hero things”. Now, stop brooding and start painting your fingernails any color other than black.

Shut up, pussy.

Shut up, pussy.

Oh, you mean the rumors that weren’t actually true?

How many Robins are there? How many Jokers? How many Supermen? Why have 6-7 Batman titles? Why 3-4 Superman comics? LOL Shut up, man.