that’s all fine and dandy, but how do any of those unfortunate scenarios require taking someone else’s seat on a flight?
that’s all fine and dandy, but how do any of those unfortunate scenarios require taking someone else’s seat on a flight?
Was on a flight once and was sitting on the row with the mid-plane evacuation doors—puh-lenty of legroom. A man was sitting in the row behind me, middle seat even, and he said the woman sitting next to me was his wife, so could I please change seats?
God, that soap opera thing is so true. My mom is super conservative and hates any sexually suggestive anything...unless it’s on her “stories”, and then she’s glued to the TV.
Something also tells me he’d waste no time in telling you all the times he’s been discriminated against because of his (apparent) sexual orientation, but yet he won’t use that experience to extend empathy to others.
She’s 100% right. If elections are decided by a popular vote then LITERALLY every sing vote, in every single county, of every single state counts. No more “southern strategy” for the republican party. No more just focusing on “battleground states” and hoping blue states carry in an election for the democratic party.…
Well, it is Oklahoma. And I’m sure her defenders will argue (a) she apologized and (b) black folks are just too sensitive (but I don’t mean that in a racist or stereotypical way). And we need to stand up to Antifa and the pc police.
Biden reminds me of several old white dude neighbors I’ve had in my life. They like me a lot...maybe too much! They are impressed that I’m living next to them, want to know all about my job with big corporations, are impressed with my suits. They have good information about the neighborhood and city, a lot of helpful…
Hopefully his brother will take solace in the fact that the free market demanded David’s death.
I don’t get the hate. He’s been a quiet and effective advocate for change. He was anonymously bailing out people in Ferguson and Baltimore, and has always advocated for Black ownership and causes. He isn’t a social Republican. He is for self help and improvement and that shows in everything he and Bey do.
As others have pointed out: if you aren’t finding qualified candidates you: a) aren’t paying enough, b) suck at marketing for the position, c) hung up on educational requirements, or d) are unwilling to train a person for the position.
But I can already eat at Olive Garden as many times as I want for the rest of my life for zero dollars!
Quite to the contrary - an older model plane that has been tried and tested, that mechanics are familiar with and pilots trust, is much safer than a plane that behaves unpredictably and is unfamiliar to those operating it.
I didn’t even put the two together. Thanks for pointing that out. And This would be a great spot for a bi-annual huge block party celebrating black excellence.
I refuse to believe that there is no market in Japan or the world for a gender reversed Monster Musume, in which one nice girl must deal with a harem of bishonen monsters.
I feel like it says something about humanity that everybody loved Left Shark, who completely FUBAR’d his dance, while poor Right Shark, who executed with quiet competence, gets no love.
Just turn it inside out.
I remember reading an article about a guy who didn’t pay an annual $75 fee to his local fire district, so when it caught on fire, they let his house burn down. The guy even offered to pay the fee on the spot, and they refused to accept it. That’s the reality of the libertarian dream: Everything is pay-to-play.