
Dota 2 makes me fucking pissed.

Your kingdom is waiting for you my lord *picture of naked chick that in no way represents the game*

Looks interdesting. Might play

I think i love this show instantly. 8D

He’s all like, I got paid to play with my Wii, but I stayed for the Switch.

it’s prolly dos

super depressing

Are you literally more mad at Jalopnik than the president who got that veteran killed?

ah okay!

Also I’m pretty sure Kid Buu destroys earth also, killing Satan.

Can’t we just make wrestling and other sports intergender to begin with?

New strategy, make the entire neighborhood pay for repairs every time the house is vandalized. That’ll make them talk.

Honestly, the cops aren’t trying. They know what day it happened. They could interview the people in the neighborhood. If they catch the guy, they can arrest him him for destruction of public property.

He drank a whole pack of energy drinks.

When watching porn on a plane maintain a neutral stone face. Try not to drool, that gives things away.

I can ride a horse. I stand and pretend it’s a surfboard.

advertisers, but people may pay some money to subscribe to their channel. I don’t think it’s paywall thing.

Yes smoking is bad, but that’s still way too early. He was working way too much.

I hope that Larry Wilmore gets another show, though I suggest a debate format.

Mr. Charles Blow restores my faith in humanity.