
Wooo, thank goodness. Cops win!

I’m pretty sure Bill Maher put “friends” in quotations.

I don’t know what she actually was paid with, but i’m hoping it was like 3 moldy dollars and the promise the exposure would “help” sell her book.

This joke cured cancer.

Suddenly, Broken Jeff Hardy Twist of Hates everyone, and wins all the medals, and melts them into a world championship belt.

Dat burn will last until the end of time.

Ack, the ship can no take no more capt’n!

He could just get hired to be Steve Buscemi’s body double. He can work like Kim Jung Un, basically have pictures taken of him staring at stuff.

Baby sized boxing gloves might create a PR issue.

Seems to be a better answer. Just make a separate server where cheaters have to play in for a set amount of time. I don’t like it when people cheat, but it seems overkill to permanently ban them from the games they paid for.

The problem with a group of evil super villains as protagonists, is that it’s hard to root for them.

I might buy the mini-nes and use it as a fancy pc case for a small itx motherboard.

His low key Joker Impression is acceptable.

Damn Jesus, are you a Marvel or DC Hero? You gotta sex it up, and just stop wearing clothes. People won’t buy comics without swinging meat. :3 ;3

Oh come on, religion is founded on not being able to get over themselves. Some guy calls himself god, and his buddies play along for jokes, but the kids end up believing it. It’s best not to listen to religious people, we don’t need another dark age.

WAIT, NO, DON’T MOVE THE CAR. MAKE IT A POKESTOP. PEOPLE WILL WAKE THE FUCK UP. (It’ll probably make them drive safer, highschools do this sometimes)

This is not parody.

50 years of the Southern Strategy and the institutional racism that it created and installed into Republican Politics at all levels and Fox News.

To combat second hand smoke, he had to become a Dark Souls boss.

Maybe the second admendment made more sense when guns had the killing power of a Frisbee, a single bullet in a cartridge, the reloading time of of 2-3 minutes, and a captain telling you when it’s okay to release a volley.