

Yeah gamergate is just a facepalm inducing mess. Even the premise just annoys me. When it was explained to me, some guy said it was about how reviews were skewed, and the example is using sex for favorable reviews.

Yeah man, it's the dream. Make a huge hit, hopefully become stable enough to maybe try different ideas without putting the business under.

That meta doe.

Toxic refers to the bad attitude that some players get. Maybe they're frustrated, maybe they are trolls, whatever the reason they insult everyone else, and or play a competitive game in a way that guarantees a loss, making life depressing for an hour long match. The bad attitude rubs off, and even some ordinarily

It's all a lie, he has like, over 9000 penises. Pray for Vegeta.

Warning, armchair theory. A person can hold his breath for several minutes... so perhaps a person would be alive for about that period of time after beheading. I don't want to think deeply on how frighting that would be.

A MUCH better story than Twilight.

I can't believe my Benjamin Franklin is so cute.

Hmmmmm, it's been my experience that most managers are people who worked really hard to get their level, and they get aggravated when other people are not showing the same level of effort and dedication.

He apparently is grand master at quaffing, the best of them can entirely miss their mouths.

I MUST learn Japanese.

do you even lift (pokemon)?

Play the game with obvious weaknesses in your strategy that the game can't exploit, then abuse it vs the clone.

I know what's the issue! That Superman's so unbelievably skilled and strong, that we're actually kinda pissed he doesn't aggressively aggravate everyone around him like House.

I thought it was strange at first, but it's fine. Final Fantasy X-2 has an all female cast.

I thought it was strange at first, but it's fine. Final Fantasy X-2 has an all female cast.

Sex robots are the future!

If I was batman, it'd be the best day ever. Woo! Parents are alive! I'm a billionaire and I fight crime. Parents would be unbelievably impressed.

Could have a better likeness.