
It was probably serenity for him because that was the moment he was finally free of dealing with an ungrateful nation and got his life back.

That would be pretty much par for the course of woman focused casts. I think any time I’ve seen a show have more than one lady character as the main cast, one of them ended up queer. This rule never seems to apply to male characters.

I just watched Sen. Al Franken do the honorable thing and resign from his office. My question is, why isn’t Donald Trump doing the same thing

I feel that the spread of Rapture theology* (and it’s marriage to Bircherism thanks to the Left Behind books) is one of the most under-reported, misunderstood, vile & pernicious developments in US, and world, politics. Ten of millions of self-described “Christians” are cheering for more war, famine, pestilence & death

I’m not sure what your point is here. Why does what the GOP does have anything to do with us holding ourselves accountable?

He’d better fucking resign. Dems need to show everyone that, unlike Pubs, they are willing to kick predatory assholes to the curb.

As someone with supremely fucked up skin on my feet and teenager like pimple growing acumen in their thirties, don’t you dare try and take away my cyst draining videos. I will burn this website to the ground.

Team Lee.

She’s right; she is normalizing something a lot of people are embarrassed about and therefore less likely to seek medical attention for. There’s nothing exploitative about this since (at least in the ones I’ve seen) the videos don’t ID the patient.

Dear Michael T. Flynn, Sr.,

I truly appreciate and respect how committed you are to this bit, Kate.

GOOD. As I said on another post. This is lovely and nice and we all NEED THIS.

Oh, and this:

Unfortunately, gonna agree with you on that one.

Modern Christians are some of the least Christ-like people in history.

You guys do know I’m right here, right? Hi!

THIS. And then the ABS had the gall to announce (before the results) that it was actually going to come in under budget. So just $100 million to tell us what we already knew!

We’ve all internalized patriarchy to some extent. I appreciate it when anyone is striving to recognize it in themselves and repair it. People are at different points in their own progression on this endless task of introspection and self-correction. He could do a lot more but there are many who do less.

I agree. I’m willing to cut him some slack here. I think his answer was just unpolished enough to be pretty believable, and he admitted that he hadn’t done enough. I think a personal relationship combined with CK’s denials and being told “no” after asking around were probably enough for him to let it go. That’s

In the clip above, Stewart is asked about how he reacted to the revelations and C.K.’s admittance of guilt, and says he was “stunned.”