
Just saw a very interesting tidbit on Twitter (@DrDenaGrayson) about how Sessions has possibly turned mole for Mueller!!

Brilliant idea!! (And I live in a ‘universal healthcare’ country, and they have yet to do this. But it seems like the simple answer to so many complex problems!)

I feel bad, but I totally judged her by her handwriting.

I’m so sorry you seem to be at the centre of this shitstorm. Having had my first taste of backlash and trolls recently, I understand the surreal frustration this must create.

True- there are certain things that people with DS are more susceptible to: heart issues (which my daughter had, though fixed now), childhood leukaemia, and early-onset Alzheimer’s. Nearly all the childhood ones can be taken care of, and I’m pretty confident that with gene therapies in development, the Alzhimer’s

My daughter has Down Syndrome. She’s a-fucking-mazing. And super cute. We found out from early pre-natal testing, and for five minutes, I did consider aborting and trying again. But I knew that I couldn’t be that person who ran away from something challenging. And after all, she was my baby.

I’ve always hated Tarantino- his films, his jackass attitude and his violent take on the world. I walked out of Pulp Fiction in the theatres when I was 16. I used to think that made me a bit cinematically gauche- but I’m now sitting back and enjoying the schadenfreude!

I also grew up nearby, and I visited sometime in elementary school. It scared the SHIT out of me. So creepy- everything built to the number 13, those crazy narrow corridors, the spiders in the stained glass...a desperate attempt to stay alive in building form. I know everyone here says it isn’t scary, but for this

I totally agree- and when museums and galleries are free, art becomes a part of your life. If you have to pay $25, you feel that you have to see EVERYTHING just to get your money’s worth. You then exhaust yourself, and the experience isn’t necessarily a positive one. But if you can dip in and out for free- if you have

I agree with the sentiment, but Warhol’s just...ugh. His whole deal was to make as many “originals” as he could, and the name recognition means that rich people will continue to collect him, even though the market is flooded with his stuff. Losing two is no great loss to art history.

Exactly. When all is said and done, Democrats need to come out of this with integrity, or they will lose this particular culture war. Franken resigning is absolutely appropriate, so quit the machiavellian conspiring and do the right thing already!

I agree in spirit, but in practice it’s a huge minefield. It’s a massive problem that the most culturally conservative parts of the church are also those places that England/white people colonised. So are white people going to enforce (cannon) law onto black and brown people again? Because that’s certainly how some in

There’s a huge division in the Anglican church now- and Welby, former ArchBish Rowan Williams and many other prominent bishops are firmly on Team LGBTQI+. However, they have been trying to keep the Anglican communion together for, oh...centuries. (Africa is NOT happy with the progress.)

I was reading, and about halfway down I thought -”Damn! This is insightful, well argued cultural criticism.” Then looked. Of COURSE it’s Stassa. Thanks for so much good academia in the blogging world.

I would certainly never say anyone is all good or bad, as if life was a comic book. But, as a historian myself, I think the way the story is told can be damaging. Hef was lauded as a champion of sexual liberation and women’s rights at the time, and even now we see those same points being repeated.

THIS. He took objectification of women to the next level, in a society where that was already the accepted norm.

I was forced to watch this awful show several times when visiting my parents, who loved it. It was the most un-funny thing I’ve ever seen. And sad. The writers used every over-tired sitcom trope they remembered from their childhoods, combined with some choice racism and sexism. Though we might be used to that on

Has anyone repurposed gramophones to play digital music? I have a bluetooth speaker made from a 1930s suitcase (like these and love the authenticity/function. I also have a bakelite phone with no dial- but haven’t quite figured out what to do with it yet...

Oh pleeeezzzee let it be Hannity. And let it have to do with Trump. And then Fox and the president can go down together, in a spectacular blaze of schadenfreude.

I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this here, but the charges are likely to bring Pell down, and no hiding in the Vatican. Pope Francis knows what a dick he is - in fact, that’s why he has his current job! Before being CFO of the Vatican, he was head Catholic in Australia. Everyone hated him. Pope Francis removed him,