
This is wonderful! Now if only they would also get a character in there with Down Syndrome, then we could really flesh out this concept of ‘neurodiversity’.

Neurofen, an ibuprofen brand here in Australia, just had a hefty fine levied for doing just this- not only with period pains, but loads of other ‘targeted’ products.

It’s got some American history too- it was used as a transport ship in WWII. It brought my English grandmother to the USA to live with her GI husband in 1945. She said they ripped out all the luxurious stuff and put in as many bunks as possible for all the war brides and babies. An entire ballroom of washing machines

In addition to not wanting to blur the photo, people didn’t smile in photos because that was not a thing. They came from the portrait tradition, and no one smiled in painted or sculpted portraits.

What is with all the age/appearance shaming on here?! This video is nearly 20 years old. I hate to break it to everyone, but your face and body will change in that time. It has nothing to do with moral degeneration, just gravity. And sun. And maybe units of alcohol consumed.

I might really regret replying here, and I’ve never been out of the greys, but here goes.

RELATE. I had my first child four months ago, and I remember feeling like an awkward, forgetful hippopotamus. And WHY don’t they tell us more about the pelvic floor before childbirth?! If there is an innate understanding between mothers, it’s because we’ve all been given pamphlets with titles like Understanding

My cousin is a Rockette. She says that only 20 of the 36 will be performing at the inauguration. She’s fortunately got another gig, but still, it’s hard for those who have no choice.

Unrelated: Jezzies, can you help me? When I click on the star next to a comment, instead of turning blue and adding a number, the star stays grey and the number goes DOWN. WTF?

A loooong time ago, when the Raiders were still in L.A., I went to USC. I took a short flight back home to the Bay Area and found I was sharing the Southwest plane with the Raiderettes.

Guys! I created a whole kinja account just to tell you that Scientology’s OSA (Office of Special Affairs) uses TELEX machines for communication. Because they think they’ll be hacked otherwise. LOL