
Thank you for the post. Jezebel pursued an open secret story inside of an industry that’s incredibly male dominated and where misogynist views (women aren’t and can’t be funny) still exist. The nature of CK’s comedy added icky complexity to the endeavor. Strong CK defenders (outside the comedy world) are to CK what

What, no Bosch?

Anthony Comstock wrote a book called Traps For The Young which is either insanely hilarious or hilariously insane, depending on your mood: it is full of obscure yet lubricious warnings about the evils lurking on all sides (birth control and gambling as well as sex toys and dirty books), just waiting to corrupt the

her 39-person bridal party

I don’t think it has anything to do with Charles. Charles is already basically regent in all but name. The Queen won’t abdicate because of her late uncle.

“Love” was code for “fuck” at that time. They weren’t downplaying, they were adhering to standards.

Also, both Brazile and this article keep not mentioning that the JFA (and even the addendum) specifically lay out that the agreement only applies to the general, shouldn’t cause the DNC to abrogate neutrality, and that they expect the same deal to be offered to the other candidates...

What do you think about:

Great guy. Here’s hoping he goes down with the rest of the rats.

There don’t seem to be any allegations of this from before his dotage. If these come out you’ll be right. Otherwise it is totally possible that this relates to the list of boundaries and self control that the elderly experience. I’ve seen this from both genders as a nurse.

While your outrage is understandable, your framing is problematic - the board should care about HW’s victims NOT because the board members have wives/sisters/daughters/mother’s, but because those victims are PEOPLE. I am a person (also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc) but it is MY PERSONHOOD that matters, not

I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.

Sure, but Steph is alluding to the incredibly common experience among women of being hit on by a guy who absolutely will not take no for an answer... until she utters the magic word: “boyfriend.” It doesn’t occur to these men to empathize with the women they harass, but they respect other men enough to back off when

he doesn’t want a partner - he wants an accessory, a bauble, a thing he can look at other people and say, look at this thing that i have and you don’t. 

Hurry up and open that tomb. Dude still owes me a skateboard.

Well I hate to say it but Megyn Kelly was right. Santa is just white. Most piles of bones are.

I accidentally watched about a minute of it once. That was too much.

FWIW, O’Reilly’s latest book only sold half of what his previous books did in its first week in the stores. It still was #2 on the bestseller list but it was behind Hillary’s book. Hopefully his brand will go to shit now that he’s lost his bully-pulpit

He gave it a hi-gloss coat of “respectability.” Basically took the age old idea of the strip joint, gave it a good shake, charged a fortune for the drinks and most importantly, designed the waitresses to be a perfect combination of Madonna/Whore.