
I will never understand this dude’s popularity with women. The man basically kept a creepy babe-zoo in his house and only supported ‘women’s empowerment’ as long as it fit his idea of women being naked and not being ~prudes~ about it. If literally any other man did this, would we applaud him for being an ‘icon’?

It kills me that H. Hefner is so revered for being some kind of pioneer of the sexual revolution.. he was a pioneer of a sexual revolution predominantly centred around the male gaze & fantasy, which is hardly revolutionary and has played a major hand in getting us to where we find ourselves today, which is not exactly

Tim Allen has been lucky to have a career at all. He’s an abysmally bad actor. Six seasons is a long time for a show that’s this bad, and he should be glad it didn’t get canceled in the middle of the first season. Go sit in the corner and pout, snowflake.

Just saw this movie over the weekend. I was floored. She seems to down play this honor but I think she earned every brick used to make it.

I’m a little baffled by the headline and angle on the original source material, since I have undergrad class notes from 2003-2004 that cover a lot of environmental-level pesticide impact risk, and I’ve read plenty of papers by agricultural and wildlife biologists addressing these issues in research questions since

That’s just it...without pesticides and herbicides we couldn’t support the world’s population and there would be mass starvation. There is NO WAY to produce enough yield without pesticides/herbicides.

Even organic farming uses pesticides. I find it hard to believe that you can get equivalent yields without using any pesticides.

BTW. British aid to India is not traditional aid, from 2015 onwards, it has been in the form of technical assistance with improving government and business programmes and providing capital assistance mostly to small businesses who find it difficult to get credit through traditional financial systems. This is a good

Now playing

I know it’s OT, but I simply had to share. It brightened up my day for a bit.

As a Christian, few things infuriate me more than assholes who use the faith to enrich themselves while taking from others. The prosperity gospel is horse manure at best.

They mostly (here in the East) are anarchists. And are generally average aged of 16? We had two run through the museum I work in and drop a smoke bomb (ugh). They are all of the ‘I’m a teenager and I’m MAD and I hate RULES so I don’t want any RULES so I’m going to go throw smoke bombs at law enforcement and museums

I have this image in my head of Donald Trump driving a golf cart around his resort at top speed while John Kelly—clad in plaid pants, a white polo shirt, and a newsboy cap—frantically chases him and tries to grab his phone.

They likely weren’t hand-painted but had decals applied by low-paid workers.

Panel 1:

“Deeply flawed” = the target of 20+ years of unfounded Republican hate-mongering.

I hate these people more than Trump supporters. They claim moral high ground while still being misogynistic pieces of shit.

I just want to say I am tired of how much shit this woman has gotten from the left too. I have an aquaitance and he LOVES LOVES to shit on her continously whenever we talk about politics. He has a complete inability to move on. He always brings up the election and losing was her fault and Bernie would have won and

I’m so tired of white grey and black or cream, taupe and brown design looks. I love this woman’s apartment though.

If you had millions of loans tied to Russian banks run by Putin, and had been laundering money for him and his gang for decades in order to secure those loans, and if your election to POTUS was due to Putin tampering with the US election and having our voting machines hacked, you’d be puckering up too.