
I’d go with PKmud from 1994 (which I just learned is still up!)

Not that surprising.

You just reminded me that there were actual Fox News segments railing against the first movie calling it “anti-capitalist”.

Pretty sure I could get a hell of a lot of play time out of an undead tyrannosaurus. I realize that’s not the point of the set but hey, imagination.

The most successful pirate in history, Ching Shih, was a woman.

That’s a pretty cool thought. I’d actually go with the flip side: have Kobik create a good doppelganger of the Punisher, someone who uses his immense skills and prowess but with restraint and a respect for due process. How would the original Frank react if that Good Punisher were really successful in battling crime

Congrats on getting that ninja job!

“Hey, wait! I’m okay today! My mom bought me deodorant!”

I just had a thought: can you imagine how amazing it would be if one of those huge JPop groups like AKB48 or Morning Musume were on SNL? They would kill with the pure power of spectacle. I haven’t watched the show is at least a decade but I would tune in for that.

Also in the first KOTOR, the arena champion was named Bendak Starkiller.

I thought the YADI one said YAOI and was like, “huh, that’s pretty ballsy”.

Right. It’s been a strongly solved game for more than 20 years. With perfect play whoever goes first will always win within 41 moves.

Of course he was a member of the Fellowship. I’m honestly flabbergasted at the suggestion otherwise.

I want to be excited, but what exactly was accomplished here? They dropped a bunch of tiny solar panels with a few equally tiny instruments attached out the back of a rocket in orbit. Nothing in the way of propulsion, which is kind of the biggest deal when it comes to interstellar travel, was tested. Someone on the

Master Aemon was physically fine too, and he was a full-blooded Targaryen.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a lot of the “Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift were never romantically involved!” nuttery that this website and many of its commenters subscribe to coming from the same place? Also reminds me of the “Benedict Cumberbatch isn’t really married” thing. What is it about the


Nope, next step is it turns out Peter actually failed gym in tenth grade so he loses both his Ph.D. and B.S. and has to go back to finish high school and get bullied by jocks again.

With sufficient technology and biological compatibility, a civilization could potentially subsist on geothermal energy alone, perhaps.

Just to be pedantic for a second, the basic mechanisms of a crossbow and a ballista are actually quite different despite appearances. A crossbow derives its power from the flexion of the bow’s limbs while a ballista uses torsion springs typically made from rope.